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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. ive never heard of instagram but i love this thread
  2. to me - theres a difference in the sun going down and it being "night"....7:30 people are still out and active, the sun set only an hour before so theres probably still trace amounts of light, people walking around should not be seen as suspicious.....its not like it was 3am and someone was sneaking through the bushes and theres a difference in looking out for you and your neighbor vs following someone and pretending youre a police officer
  3. these guys are both right.....your kid is with another woman, eventually jordan is going to get the mommy urge and want a kid that is biologically hers...then you will be heading back for a reversal, or she will be leaving you for someone who can knock her up
  4. if im carrying somewhere that i dont mind printing (this is 95% of the time) i use a blackhawk serpa (owb)....it prints, but i really dont care....if im somewhere i cant be seen with a gun (my gfs family events) i pocket carry....my gun is borderline too big for pocket carry - and it definitely prints...but not enough that anybody has noticed what it is
  5. good thing he wasnt wearing a hoodie, a passerby might think a thug killed the driver and hijacked a bus full of kids and shot the boy
  6. 1. 7:30 PM isnt what i consider "night"...but whatever 2. why would you follow them? mind your own business - look out for your property and let them be on their way....this America, they have the right to walk around at "night", who are you to try and tell them otherwise? oh thats right...dictator of the neighborhood, my bad Mr. Zimmerman He has the right to walk and not have to be interrogated. If I was walking home from the gas station and some dude stops me and asks for a logical reason for me being there, ill tell them to fuck themselves. If you asked me if I needed help or was lost, I would answer No and keep walking. If you then asked me why I'm walking down your street, I'll tell you its none of your business. He did not have to explain himself to Zimmerman, not even "I'm just walking home." Who is Zimmerman? NOBODY. 1. it was 7:30, not 10:30 2. "look like a thug".....how so? because he was black? or because he had his hood up? because neither of those factors make any fucking sense at all...i wear my hood up all the time, especially when its cold. sure this was florida, but it was in february. I was there in January and while it was 80 during the day, it was in the 40s at night. Soon as the sun went down, hoodies went on. Wearing a hood up in the winter doesnt make someone a thug. That is one of the dumbest things ive read on OR and thats saying a lot. So, it must be because he is black, because obviously nobody is dumb enough to think hoodie = thug. this terrifies me.
  7. not the same... wearing a helmet in a bank could be viewed as out of the ordinary... wearing the hood up on a sweatshirt in the beginning of April is a daily occurrence... same as wearing gloves in the winter, sleeveless shirt in the summer, etc.... there's nothing out of the ordinary about wearing a regular hoodie with the hood up not saying the helmet means you're up to something, just saying it warrants a second look while a hoodie should not
  8. for the point of my post, it doesnt matter if it was or not...my response to kz900 doesnt relate to this case AT ALL...go re-read his post, he is saying that if a person is wearing a hood they are OBVIOUSLY up to something because they are hiding their face......it has nothing to do with this case, im not saying he was approached becasue of it, nothing.....my response is to kz900 and the statement he made....youre really over thinking it
  9. for being so smart, youre really failing at reading my post. the post you just quoted, just like i ALREADY said...is in response to kz900 saying that the kid was OBVIOUSLY up to something based SOLELY on the fact that was HIDING his face by wearing a hood....my post has nothing to do with this case, other than to point out the fucked up and stupid logic of "wearing a hood = hiding your face because youre up to something"
  10. all of those points i mentioned were in response to a hypothetical between bad324 and someone else (forget username and too lazy to check).....the only thing in that whole post related to treyvon and this guy was when i explicitly said "this is the same way i feel about the topic of this thread....the dude should have never even made contact with this kid....if i was in the kids position just walking down the street and some dude came up harassing me for no reason, i would probably punch his ass too....mr tough guy thought he was the shit, and once he picked a fight he couldnt back up he resorted to using a gun....no matter how this case turns out legally, he is a major pussy and an even bigger douche for trying to pretend he is a cop" i never mentioned the gun being pulled before he confronted him, hell i dont know when the gun came out - but if you read all my posts about this, like i already said, it sounds like the guy picked a fight, started to lose, and then pulled his gun...i never said he pulled a gun on the kid and confronted him....not sure why youre asking me if im suggesting he already had his gun out when i clearly said the opposite
  11. reading comprehension. try it out. the post you quoted is my defense for the logic of "he was hiding his face, so obviously he was up to something" and the logic of "he shouldnt have been in that neighborhood because he didnt belong" when in all reality he did i didnt mention a gun, or being stalked, or any of that shit....if you honestly think a person deserves to be harassed and shot for wearing their fucking hood up, then youre fucking retarded, just like the guy i quoted with that response
  12. most likely up to something? he was there with his father visiting his fathers fiance....he had every right to be there. hiding his face? he was wearing a fucking hood.....seriously? are you retarded? i wear my hood all the time....you know, to keep my ears warm, kind of what a HOODIE is for....whats next? we gonna shoot people for wearing gloves in the winter time? because obviously they were trying to hide their finger prints, no way they had cold fingers
  13. exactly. i wear my hood up quite often, you know, to keep my fucking ears warm.....if somebody was hassling me for no reason, i would tell them to fuck of too...and if they pulled a gun and were hassling me they better be prepared to use it because as soon as i see them pull it, im going for mine the other person would be turning it into a hostile encounter....if im walking down the street minding my own business and some asshole wanna-be cop neighborhood watch commando comes up and starts harassing me or stalking me, THAT is turning it into a hostile encounter i agree....i like brian and everything, but i really thought he was smarter than this....following some random person who looks "suspicious" is just plain stupid... keep an eye out, sure....leave your property to pursue them? wow. if something is that off, call the police and mention what you saw and then keep an eye out around your property to protect yourself....it isnt your job to play police officer and run down "shady" people ^^ winner....and this is the same way i feel about the topic of this thread....the dude should have never even made contact with this kid....if i was in the kids position just walking down the street and some dude came up harassing me for no reason, i would probably punch his ass too....mr tough guy thought he was the shit, and once he picked a fight he couldnt back up he resorted to using a gun....no matter how this case turns out legally, he is a major pussy and an even bigger douche for trying to pretend he is a cop by following, you are already intervening... and thats even worse, not being able to fight.....you knowingly pursue someone, with no intentions other than 1. letting them go, or 2. shooting them.....its not your job to decide either of those things....if youre that worried about a certain person, call the police and let them know...it actually does work....i had a guy make up some bogus story and try to walk through my front door...i pushed his ass back outside and slammed the door...called the police to report suspicious activity and less than 15 minutes later there was a sheriff outside patrolling the neighborhood and he stopped afterwards to take my statement.....guess i should have kicked the guy out, grabbed my gun, and started following him....you know, just in case
  14. i would never buy a used helmet...i agree that its like sharing underwear....washable or not, you wont see me buying underwear at Good Will
  15. he should have never made any contact with the kid AT ALL in any form for any reason.....he is not a police officer, as much as he thinks he is with his citizen police classes and his chl ....the police told him not to pursue and he did anyways....regardless of what happens after that, he is the aggressor
  16. yea...adblock works wonders....i watch tv shows online all the time, even network shows, and never see any ads....i dont remember the last time i saw an ad on a video
  17. lock his ass up and throw away the key the kid was walking through a neighborhood....just because he is black he is instantly "shady"? he was there visiting with family, its not like he broke in the dude who shot him took his "neighborhood watch" too seriously, and it got out of hand. if the guy was "suspicious", the man should have called the police and reported it...not confronted the kid himself and pick a fight....sounds like he confronted the kid and picked a fight, started getting his ass beat, and pulled out a gun he should have never had any interaction with the kid at all - you know, just like the police told him not to
  18. its been a long time since there was an OR thread i was actually unable to finish reading....i made it to like page 6 and had to quit before my brain actually melted
  19. what can i say? she controls the water park and if i wanna go tubing i gotta play the game
  20. lol i figured as much...thats why im waiting...she just didnt want me to get one before the wedding, and i somehow stupidly agreed to it....after the wedding im buying one, that was the deal we made i guess she thinks ill die on the bike, and she wants to make sure she gets half lol
  21. im going to wait until next april to get a bike...spending all my truck money on a car on monday...next spring ill get a bike, she already gave the go-ahead
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