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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. i was tired, i work at 2am and hadnt gotten to bed until 10ish on monday and tuesday nights
  2. yep! one of the most famous murders in history happened in a small town in the middle of nowhere kansas at a farm house... http://www.gcpolice.org/History/Clutter/Cutter_Family_Murders.htm they wrote a book about it "In Cold Blood" ...may even be a movie about it
  3. i think him being 17 isnt really relevant...aside from the facts of this case, i have known some 17 year olds who you would not want to fuck with....a kid in my HS was benching almost 400lbs at age 17...and he was about 6'3, probably 280....big fucking athletic football player....he would beat the brakes off some 28 yr old out of shape latino guy in hand-to-hand combat
  4. a lot of people who make quality cornhole boards like to stain them or hand paint them....nothing against your decals, but its like putting ketchup on steak....not saying you wont find someone, but everyone i know that makes them takes great pride in doing them on their own and painting them
  5. i figure ill live until im 65ish, then blow whatever small 401k i have on incredibly fun but reckless and stupid shit....ill go out with a bang, and not even have to worry about paying bills after im retired....win/win
  6. dis bitch was tryna swindle us! off with her head!
  7. were you in reynoldsburg yesterday or the day before? saw a diavel on waggoner rd, south of broad...first one ive seen in person...awesome bikes...i love the carbon
  8. video http://vimeo.com/39784788
  9. private gathering on private property....i dont think you would need a permit for that?
  10. sorry to thread jack....but i have an IRA-BDA that my dad left for me when he passed....i also have a 401k through my job....would it be possible to roll my IRA into my 401K without getting any steep penalty or anything? if so - where would i even start? im tired of paying fees to my IRA and getting monthly statements
  11. bump...didnt end up buying the carlson barrel since i went on vacation to FL and spent way more than i expected lol the nova is still for sale...same price, a few more rounds through it (maybe 80 total now) selling it to take care of some unexpected bills ....i start a second job next week, so im not desperate to sell it. but if i can sell it i will. i only use it for deer hunting, and i have plenty of time to replace it before deer season (preferably with something with a shorter barrel)
  12. lol if i come out, ill pay for myself...not owing anybody no chicken wings! hell, i still owe MT $15 but i keep forgetting any time i have money....one of these days
  13. yea...i knew a guy who used to crank them down as tight as he could with non racheting straps....needless to say he went through fork seals like crazy
  14. ^ agree with this....i see people strap bikes in all kinds of funky ways, but i always just use two straps on the bars and be done with it...never dropped a bike (except once, using non ratchet straps...it wasnt quite tight enough and the bike fell over....luckily it was just a dirt bike so no damage....as much as i hate ratchet straps, they are worlds better than regular straps)
  15. broke again!.....might be out, but dont count on it lol
  16. oh man, wrong place to ask that half of this website does....if you go to an OR event, there is usually more guns than there are people!
  17. This sounds like a great story, and if its found to of happened this way, then I will take back my comments. But if it truly did go down like this, why is he being so secretive, hiding, dodging his legal council, etc? He is acting like a guilty man that is panicking. It's easy to come up with a plausible story when there is nobody there to witness it.
  18. strut tower brace in a coupe wont be noticeable at all...especially for the type of driving that car will most likely see (non-professional level, i mean).....so if youre set on buying one - realize you will be paying for the looks and nothing else that being said - the double bars looks nice...the one that looks best IMO is the FRPP V6 brace....its the one used on the bullitt...the GT brace wont clear the manifold cover, but the v6 one will heres a pic for comparison, heres the gt brace....sans manifold cover obviously or if you dont mind ruining the cover, you can run some grooves into it and use the tighter fitting gt brace
  19. i disagree about it being a race related issue....my comments regarding race were all in reference to kz900's responses....i think Zimmerman was itching to pull the trigger on his gun, and it just happened to be a black kid in the way of this crazy guy
  20. 7 speed manual? thats pretty fuckin sweet lol cheaper than a gtr, and more badass....yes please
  21. i actually know of one! but she lives in wisconsin....shes pretty hot though....but she has a cat.....so i guess the crazy part is debatable....ill sell you her contact info for $160
  22. im not in your shoes, so i cant say how i would react in your position - all i know is how i currently feel, and i currently feel that it is not a good idea to tail every person you see that looks "suspicious" ... does stuff happen? yes. but im gonna go out on a limb and say that more incidents will happen due to you following someone than if you let them be. if im walking down the street and i see some guy watching me and sneaking around following me - theres going to be a problem, even if im not up to no good....ive been held up at gun point at night before and jumped/robbed, and i saw the guys coming....i was under the mind set "nah, wont happen to me"....so i kept on about my business, and sure enough it happened....if i was in that position again, and i see someone following me or "stalking" me, as soon as they attempt to make contact with me, there will be a problem. im all for defending those around you, and defending youself, and im sorry for what happened to your friend and for the feelings of guilt you have about it, but i still believe it to be unwise to start a confrontation with somebody who may or may not be simply walking down the street. if im that worried about a shady individual, i will call the police and let them deal with it. but im not under the mindset that every black person in a hoodie is a thug, so unless i had a reason to think they were up to something (besides simply seeing them walking) i wouldnt even call the police
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