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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. or be like my family and be too lazy to change them and just wait until fall when it switches back and then youre on time again
  2. no pizza when i was there, and the turnout was small (i was there around 6:45-7:30ish)....and there was no open tables to watch the race....they needed more seating....i ended up checking out some bikes and then leaving after BSing with the staff for a little while
  3. agreed. but i honestly doubt i will watch next season.
  4. does she allow hookers and blow after 10pm?
  5. this thread was such a let down
  6. ok this makes more sense....i was wondering why not just replace with pieces of piece....if you up a size you need a whole system made....do they not sell a bolt on system anywhere for a reasonable price? you could always install it yourself
  7. ^ they have that look so often that we have all grown to ignore it by now....afterall, they did share a bed in college....a one-person bed
  8. yea he was telling me he traded in a sport bike to get it....to each their own i suppose lol...its nice for what it is, just not my taste
  9. http://maps.google.com/maps?oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&q=alexandria+oh&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=0x8838406cdf0b3453:0x133bff7fab643b9f,Alexandria,+OH&gl=us&ei=RzlaT7QrqevSAYmz7KsP&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=image&resnum=2&ved=0CD8Q8gEwAQ
  10. if you didnt pick your gun up by the trigger guard and twirl it around you wouldnt even need the safety
  11. i talked to someone who owns a new harley...just got it not long ago...might have been a fat bob
  12. yea it was a guy my dad worked with....he was over once and my neighbors cat walked up and he was gonna snatch it but my mom made him leave it alone bens comment just reminded me of it
  13. i knew a guy who used to catch stray cats and actually fed them to his dog...his dog hated cats and would literally kill/eat them....outside dog, tossed cat into its pen and that was it for ol' puss puss he would stop and toss one into his saddle bags on his harley and ride away with it lol....probably snatched a few pets
  14. cats belong outside IMO....theyre great to have if you have a little property, keep the mice population down...dont have to worry so much about mice chewing up all your stuff....i wouldnt ever bring one inside though
  15. i heard ringo is looking for a new dog so his other dog wont be so lonely....ill txt him for you
  16. my hand isnt healed all the way yet....my nova kicks like a bull...hopefully i dont re-break it
  17. wouldnt it be easier to just get a stick of pipe the same size and simply cut your muffler/cat off and put a new piece in? any tuffy, firestone, etc should be able to flare the pipe for you so you can just clamp it on....or even use those bands where you just butt the pipes up together and tighten it down
  18. bowdog - you arent invited ....you show up with my O/U and i cant be responsible for it turning up missing
  19. let me know when its $20 and ill come get it my broke ass needs a table oh yea, lbts and all that
  20. they seem like good people in there...stopped by to chat for a few last month...might end up taking my girls honda there since its a piece of shit and were tired of working on it
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