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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. this is what i was told also "it doesnt matter if you have a degree in farm animals, employers just want to know you can commit to something and finish it"....figured under that mentality, a broad degree like business cant be the worst way to go...leaves me some options open....i graduate in august and still have no idea what i want to do lol....just going to find whatever i can find and see how it is....anything is better than working UPS and pouring concrete
  2. what really annoys me is people who work like 4 part time jobs just to afford their shit hole apartment and then have the nerve to put other down for going to college and "wasting time" instead of working, or making fun of their degree choice i had a guy i work with tell me that my degree will be worthless when i finish school because nobody will be looking for someone with a business degree because its too broad of a field.....this fucking bum works 3 part time jobs, rides a bicycle to work even in the snow because he cant afford to fix his truck, and doesnt celebrate any holidays or birthdays for his kids because he cant afford to "give corporations his money".....fuck him, at least im attempting to do something with my life
  3. idiot. couldnt even smell out his own people.
  4. dale has some coming http://www.ohioriders.net/showthread.php?t=89225
  5. i believe this is a bannable offense. time to get banned. sucker.
  6. him tackling her and crushing her with his body weight is more excessive in my mind than a taser. a taser leaves no lasting damage besides a couple cuts from the barbs. being tackled is a much higher risk of being injured. her injury occured in the fall, it was not related to the taser. she could have sustained that injury no matter how she was taken down. shouldnt he have used those zip cuff then?
  7. and wtf happened to daryl....he was kicking ass for awhile, now hes being a whiney little bitch
  8. if they kill off shane, i will probably stop watching....i couldnt give a fuck about the little love story between lorie and rick, and i cant stand rick's character....hes too compassionate and too much of a pussy to lead people through a dooms day scenario...the scene with the kid on the fence proved that for me
  9. this. your test proved nothing. it only proved he is smart enough to not fall for your tricks. he obviously knew you were watching him, so of course he isnt going to handle the firearm. it proves nothing about what he will do when you actually arent around (at a friends house, school, whatever your other examples were) on a side note - if you keep spying on your kid, once theyre a teenager you will have problems on your hands. if my parents spied on me and set up hidden cameras and shit all over, it would have been a miserable time at home for all involved, and i would have been out of the house as soon as i was able to (and i dont necessarily mean 18) without trying to slam you or make jokes or anything, i seriously think you have a problem. if it was just this incident, sure, whatever...chalk it up to parenting methods. but you video tape and record every second of your life, and spying on your own family is just too far
  10. you really thought he wouldnt notice a gun moving around the room all by itself?
  11. ah i see....viewing pics on my phone ftl
  12. isnt that a gen4? i dont know much about them, just looks like backstrap is interchangable, unless im seeing it wrong...thought only g4 are interchangable? if so - i would say 490 is a good deal
  13. exactly. i never make people sign anything. i ask if they are legally allowed to own one, check for a valid OH drivers license, and send them on their way. if the gun is used in a crime and traced back to me, oh well..."Sorry officer, I sold that gun several months ago." you arent breaking a law selling privately, so no need to stress about it. will you get questioned? maybe. is it enough for you to get arrested or in trouble? nope. not unless they have other evidence to implicate you in the crime.
  14. yea, and by then ill have to take another class anyways, even a recert....so i dont "need" my certificate...if i can get it, cool...if not, oh well i guess ill tell her to call mechanicsburg pd and see if they have a phone number for chief, and if not she will have to retake it
  15. I tried to get one from them, but they spelled my name wrong. Asked for duplicate and they never sent it.. But from what I'm hearing, I don't even need my certificate. Maybe I'll shoot another email just to have it. My mom is the one looking for hers, she took the class with chief but lost her certificate so she cant apply for chl.
  16. do you use a moving decoy also, or are these just as effective by themself?
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