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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. looks like double trigger to me....are the two triggers linked together, firing at the same time?
  2. i had ME880s and after 4k miles they were barely scrubbed in....i woudlnt be surprised if i had gotten 12-15 out of them
  3. this happens because parents dont spank their kids anymore. if i refused to go to school, my mom woulda back handed the shit out of me and made me go. the next day, i wouldnt dare tell her no again. sure i got into my fair share of trouble, but i think i turned out alright. i am a firm believer in people spanking their kids (there is a difference between spanking and abusing though....but thats for another thread)
  4. i know that. i was just saying i cant believe the mom had to call the police to control her 9 year old kid for her, its outrageous
  5. the kids parents seem absolutely shitty....perhaps this will be a reality check for the kid....may even do him some good in the long run, to finally realize that discipline does exist and he needs to shape up....i guess we differ in that i dont see a tazer as being excessive force, especially when used as a stun gun without shooting the barbs into the kid.
  6. these are especially nice because when they become obsolete you can send them in to valentine and they are replaced with the newest model for a steeply discounted price
  7. i dont really like it....i mean, i guess it gets points for creativity, but its just two 1911s stuck together....the grip is ridiculously wide, two triggers very far apart...eh
  8. i dont see the problem with tazing him. the kid has plenty of chances to cooperate, and the mother appeared to be ok with it as well......maybe now the kid will learn his lesson about resisting arrest....better than learning this lesson later in life when hes old enough for a back alley police style beat down
  9. this would solve all problems!
  10. keep putting in time every week expecting some actual zombies, and it just keeps being a let down......theyre never going to leave the farm, and theres like 1 or 2 zombies per episode, then every 5 or 6 episodes they toss in a huge group of zombies to make up for it, but its not the same i want more action, like resident evil style zombie massacring
  11. i really hope so. im so tired of them playing house....we need more zombie killing
  12. Steve Butters


    for a wax, any carnuba wax is going to do the same....i use meguiars gold....once a month wax it, and then wipe it down and polish once a week or more depending how often you ride and honda polish is the ONLY polish to use (i use Zymol for cars because theres so much more to polish, but for bikes the honda polish is amazing) its called bike spirits now though http://www.bernardiparts.com/Honda-Spray-Cleaner-Polish-Bike-Spirits__08C25-P011M-NXTGEN.aspx
  13. awesome. now its back to nobody but cry baby bitches. i really hope they all get killed in the next episode. also, i love the inconsistencies in the story....it used to take hours for a person to turn, and now its instant....but only after they already died?? it makes no sense. if its in the water/air and everybody is infected already, shouldnt they all be changed? why would it happen just when they died (shane, prisoner kid)? there no interesting characters left IMO....if i wanted to watch people cry and be humanitarians i would watch oprah hell, they dont even have many zombies in this show, not sure why they would kill off the only action they have (rick vs shane)
  14. buy cheap ebay turbo back, stick of 3" pipe from a muffler shop, and some exhaust clamps...cut off muffler/cat and replace with pipe...bolt on
  15. do it at your own risk. i have operated track only vehicles on the roads more times than i can count, and never had an issue....but be aware of the risks before you do so also - be warned that if its a "salvage" title bike, and not rebuilt or clean, it is a felony to operate it on the road.....much worse than not having insurance and equipment violations. not sure if your bike is clean, salvage, etc....just know a lot of track bikes are salvage title so thought it was worth mentioning
  16. oh man, Dale was the absolute worst...followed by the blonde lol i hope meryl comes back and him and daryl start kicking ass and taking names...im tired of the baby daddy drama, i wanna see some hardcore zombie killing
  17. hate him or not, he is an important character...by killing him off, there will be nothing left in the show besides a bunch of cry baby whiner characters....instead of having 2 characters to focus on, now it will just focus on rick and we will have to listen to lorie cry all the damn time and hear pussy rick try and be righteous....no thanks....they put too much time developing shane and ricks characters and didnt focus on anybody else, so killing off shane will make it the rick show and itll be awfully boring dealing with lorie crying all the time and ricks inner conflicts
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