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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. just buy it, pussy. i know someone who does roofs and is broke and could use the work hours
  2. this happened to me in my truck the other day i forgot my wallet at home when i left for work, so i had to make my gas last to work, home, and then right to the gas station to put gas in...it died as i was pulling in and coasted to the pump if you think a diesel sounds bad when its running good, wait until you hear one puttering out of gas
  3. i rode mine until it began puttering out, then hit reserve and prayed there was a gas station in the next 20 miles lol
  4. havent had those exact levers, but i had cheap chinese levers on the vmax and i had to hit the brakes hard (left a light in a group ride with some OR folk, and the person directly in front of me stalled)...the brake lever actually snapped right at the base, and once that happened i didnt really have control of the bike anymore and dropped it at like 1mph lol..no damage...but had to ride home without a front brake...i will never use junk levers again on anything
  5. havent been in that exact situation, but i had my bike stall out on me once from improper jetting and had a bad starter clutch...had to push it home also...thats when i truly realized the vmax was a pig lol
  6. i agree...just did a job for a person who was driving a brand new car, nicer than anything i could afford, and the city of columbus was paying to have over 5k worth of work done for them because they "couldnt afford" it...busted my ass on that job and the total amount i made that week would maybe cover one payment on that car
  7. hmmm...lets see....NOT LIT MYSELF ON FIRE
  8. time person of the year for lighting yourself on fire....what a fucking joke
  9. here you come with logic and shit....down with the van, needs moar truck lol im curious...my diesel gets like 20mpg, vs like 14 with a comparable gas...so the mpg vs increased fuel cost pretty much balances out...but im curious what you mean about "with the maintaining costs associated with diesel, the cost of operation is excessively high"....my maintenance costs have gone down switching from a 5.4 gas to a 7.3 ... less maintenance (all i do is check the air filter and change the oil...no more spark plugs or wires/COPs to mess with)... i havent had any mechanical issue at all besides a CAMP sensor - which Ford gave me for free (didnt use the one they gave me, its in my glovebox as a spare...ordered a better one online)...i guess you could make the argument of oil changes costing more, but i would say that bit of difference would be offset by no longer needing to do plugs/wires...heck, i only put like 16-18k on my truck a year, so my oil only gets changed 2-3 times a year ...i change it 7500-8500 with M1 TDT, independent oil tests show it still lubricating at 10k, but i stay lower to be safe...overall, switching to diesel to save money on maintenance wasnt my goal or even a huge deal, but i have noticed less general repairs and cheaper overall cost/yr than with my old gas truck sorry to derail - you had your truck longer than i did, curious what excessive costs youre talking about.....sure, injectors might go bad etc...but if you look at the mileage you get from injectors, transmission, turbos, etc its usually longer than a gas motor even lasts lol
  10. you misread or something. he showed up to get his kids things, and the crazy bitch pulled out her own gun and shot him with it for no reason, then he wrestled with her and took the gun away from her and retreated and called the police shes being held on attempted 1st degree murder charges, and he is recovering from 2 gunshot wounds and is fine otherwise
  11. agree. could have just put a big cap on the truck for enclosed hauling on race weekends
  12. he wants to make sure we all know about his weiner
  13. one time, i took my left glove off, tucked it into my tank bag, pulled out my phone, and sent a txt....while riding down the road on the vmax....good thing i didnt wreck, i would have had horrible road rash on my left hand no more hanky panky with myself
  14. open carry is legal too. i carry "concealed" but if i print or it shows under my hoodie etc, i like not having to worry about it
  15. i like the 03/04 fairings on the 98...makes it look newer lol...and its a direct bolt on minus steering lock
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