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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. im actually pretty busy so im going this morning...PMd him but not sure if he will see it. ive never been to your place, but we need to get together and shoot some clays sometime before it gets too cold
  2. looked at gander and didnt see any....ill get some when i find it lol
  3. mine downloaded 2.3.3 while i was asleep without even asking permission...it unrooted me too....piece of shit
  4. $60 or give me some 40/45 ammo worth about the same
  5. damn you IP lol i want one pretty bad...just not sure if i "need" two carry guns...and not sure i want to sell my HK, even though i cant shoot it for shit
  6. i would possibly be down for meeting you at nasr - but i would like to do it in the morning, not mid day i need to shoot this HK a little more so i can decide if i want to keep it or not separate lanes too - nasr lanes are too cramped to share, ive done it a few times and its just uncomfortable
  7. im reading excellent reviews about the defender....i might just pick one up,and put a couple hundred rounds through it and see how it functions, then if i decide i want to carry it daily i may just leave the HK on the nightstand or make it my safe queen....its a beautiful gun and ive got a lot of money in it and a lot of work done to make it just how i want it...i dont think i could sell it for how much its worth to me i really need to get to the range and put a couple hundred rounds through the HK and see if i cant just work on it I might pick up a cheap 1911 with no bells and whistles and make it sort of a project, instead of buying the defender...im not sure lol...too many decisions...im to the point now where i may just step back and not buy anything because i cant make a decision
  8. way too much time on their hands lol i bet that video took an hour to shoot... i imagine that car got derailed 100 times, plus having to move it and restart it etc for all the camera angles very neat project to do with your kids though, and its for a good cause...still, way too much time on their hands lol
  9. the wight difference between the aluminum 3" and the metal 4/5" is what im thinking about mainly
  10. i might take you up on this if i dont pick one up by then! thanks
  11. now im thinking i might just add a 1911 to the collection and keep the HK...i really just have a hard time with the thought of selling the HK lol now my dilemma is 3" or 5"....i dont get to the range much, and the 3" would be easier to carry...but i have my HK i could use for carry, so a 5" makes sense then if i decide 5" i have to decide if i want entry level RIA or start off with something nicer, etc guess ill go fondle them some more and make a decision lol....im really liking the colt defender still
  12. sapphy should have gotten terry a tissue and this never woulda happened. damn you sapphy, you killed all the tigers.
  13. they just shot all the monkeys, sadly. i knew somewhere you could get one on the cheap if you had asked 3 days ago!
  14. i disagree. according to what other people are saying, especially white scorpion, this guy should have had his animals seized already. by enacting a law for annual or bi-annual inspections, it would catch these problems before anything came of them. it could also be used for people who keep large breeds of snakes and gators/crocs....owners are notorious for releasing these animals when they get too big....an inspection would show that the owners are not providing a large enough space for them as they grow and the animals could be seized before becoming way too big for their enclosures and being released. if owners had to prove they were providing adequate homes for their animals, there would be less mistakes made and less people abandoning them even before this particular incident happened, i still think there should have been an inspection process for certain breeds of animals. bobcat? no. african lion? absolutely. it would benefit the animals being kept and they have no way else to defend themselves. If this guys animals were seized from him after the 30 complaints, the lion and livestock escaping, and the various counts of animal cruelty then he would have never been in a position to release them.
  15. my current gun is a sub compact .40 (its made in a 9 and is the same size) and the 3" 1911 is smaller than my sub compact (thinner) and weighs exactly the same amount...so carrying it would be easier than my subcompact about the safety - im not sure...mine now doesnt have one, so i would have to get used to it for sure
  16. umm...bad example. guns dont kill people by themselves, they are just tools im not against exotic pet ownerships at all...i think there needs to be some new legislation though, maybe a bi-annual inspection of the property they are being kept to make sure the living conditions are kept right etc...but not a ban
  17. looking at the fence - that property is HUGE....and i wonder whats with all the random cars parked all over the yard
  18. ah i did see that...didnt pay close enough attention though, assumed it was a business or something lol..i was looking too close to the house at the road
  19. a lot of stuff can be misrepresented in the media as well...the media always loves to make someone into a villian
  20. looks like he got the gun charges thrown out....that article makes it sound like he was convicted, but heres a court record showing he got the evidence tossed because of 4th amendment violations http://www.leagle.com/xmlResult.aspx?page=1&xmldoc=20091425667bufsupp2d758_11353.xml&docbase=CSLWAR3-2007-CURR&SizeDisp=7
  21. not all is bad though http://bigcatnews.blogspot.com/2006/09/owner-says-tiger-cubs-declawed-for-use.html seems like an interesting guy for sure....probably one of those people where nobody is ever going to know his true nature
  22. this article says it was for illegal guns... http://www2.nbc4i.com/news/2010/apr/05/zanesville_man_pleads_guilty_to_having_8_illegal_f-ar-60063/ with that kind of conviction, im not sure how he isnt in prison right now...
  23. something else about him http://www.pet-abuse.com/cases/6106/OH/US/
  24. "T's World" is registered as a motorcycle dealership with 1-4 employees, owned by the guy in question i would say its the same property...google map doesnt show any of the animal cages and such though
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