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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. if you just avoided bad areas then you would never need one of those horrible death machines called guns.
  2. this makes no sense lol they think 2 handguns is more suspicious than buying 2 AR's? idjit gubbament
  3. i believe this is the topic at hand. i prefer the term filtering as well
  4. I see your point and agree. I was in a hurry heading to OU one day because I was about to miss my orientation...had two cars running side by side on 33 doing 65 (which is the speed limit, or maybe even over, im not sure)...but i needed around them and they werent budging....thats the only time i split two cars at speed and i definitely didnt feel safe doing it... theres a lot of trenches and tar snakes etc on that middle line, riding on top of them for a few seconds straight felt unsafe...it wasnt even the cars that had me not feeling well about it, it was the condition of the middle of the road between the two lanes...never did it again after that
  5. i was 9 when that commercial came out lol....were all commercials back then so low budget and shitty? or just that one?
  6. shows always end whenever they get to a good part
  7. pics of wife in trade for votes for the mutt. then we make deal.
  8. im not worried about it. whatever happens will happen, i have faith that things will all work out how they are meant to. i know it goes against most of yalls opinions, but i believe the Lord will take care of it all in the end.
  9. show me the numbers youre talking about? i showed results from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's .gov website. wheres your results that say its more dangerous? Nobody is talking about splitting lanes at freeway speed. We're talking about filtering stopped traffic.
  10. if thats all you got from my post then your reading comprehension sucks. if the first cop would have treated me like a person and not some punk kid who had a nicer car than he had, then i wouldnt have had a problem with him. ive gotten more tickets than i can count, and i only listed that one officer that i had an issue with. the other comment was posted to show that some officers can recognize a mistake that was made and gave me a break about it. the officer who wrote me up for 71 in a 45 was cool as hell and just doing his job - didnt see me mention anything negative about him, even though he gave me a ticket. i realize the concept of "if you break the law, you deserve the ticket" and i have no issue with that, its their attitude during the stop that makes all the difference in my mind
  11. my argument is common sense. lets say you pull up to a stop light and theres 5 cars in front of you in each lane waiting at the red light. a. you pull up to the front between both lanes, and when the light turns you go on your way, picking a lane, and thats the end of it b. you sit in the back with your single tail light and run the risk of the person behind you not paying attention and only seeing the tail lights of the car in front of you. the chances of being rear ended and sandwiches between two cars is greatly reduced by lane splitting to the front as opposed to sitting in traffic and relying on other people to pay attention to you. what ever happened to the saying, "ride like you're invisible"...if im invisible, i surely dont want to rely on someone else seeing me. http://www.nhtsa.gov/people/injury/pedbimot/motorcycle/00-nht-212-motorcycle/motorcycle51.html
  12. i disagree. just go on youtube and see gameplay footage of whatever console. heck, most people who are interested in it have already played it since they ran a beta. i dont think theres going to be that many surprises since people should already know what to expect on their console. bf3 is going to kick ass for the style of gameplay, i couldnt care less about graphics...console graphics are console graphics, i imagine mw3 and bf3 are going to be about the same quality graphics wise...nobody should be surprised by anything
  13. ive had good and bad....one cop busted me for speeding up to change lanes to hit an exit ramp, then immediately slowing back down...81 in a 65...said he only gave me a ticket because a kid my age (17 at the time) shouldnt have a nice car (i was driving my mustang)...what a prick, sure i guess i deserved the ticket since i was speeding (for all of 5 seconds), but his attitude is what irritated me...he got pissed when he asked who paid for my car and i told him i did then had a cop let me off on the bike after running a red light (accidental noob mistake on my part), lane splitting to the front of a couple stop lights because i was in a hurry, and doing 85 on the freeway...after all that, he got me about 5 miles from the inital red light i ran - i had no mirros on the bike so i never saw him, and he actually pulled up next to me on the freeway and pointed for me to pull over.......it was a paddywagon too lol...the guy was cool, told me to be more careful (talking about the red light) and told me to ride safe and have a nice day so it really does go either way, i dont judge all cops by the actions of a few...ive ran into more good ones than i have bad ones
  14. i just think all of this combined is ironic as hell...its a repost from somewhere else and shows absolutely no effort since its a repost
  15. yea, because its so much more dangerous than sitting still in traffic and letting someone run you over because they arent paying attention
  16. wow they really improved the graphics! sweet. really though, i love those live action bf/mw videos
  17. i already admitted i was mistaken. they have never written on the form while i was there, at buckeye or gander. like i said, they must have done it after i left or at the end of the day maybe
  18. and yea i was wrong, just looked up the form heres the back side the gun info is down at the bottom - they have never filled that out while i was standing there, they might do them at the end of the day or something. once i get to the signature part on the back that was always the end of it
  19. just checked and found this apparently the serial number is on the form - ive bought 4 firearms at gander and buckeye this year and ive never filled it out and they never called it in - they must fill that part out after i had left it says they keep the form for 20 years. so theres no registry but they can contact the manufacturer to find out where that gun was sold, then contact the store and have the store search their 4473's to find the person who purchased it. so i suppose for the first 20 years it can be tracked, but theres no actual registration database where they can look up a name and see what guns everybody owns so if he bought it less than 20 years ago, i suppose they could manage to find him if it was important enough....but like i said before - i still wouldnt worry about it. theres thousands of guns sold and bought privately each year in ohio, they would still have to prove he committed the crime. if someone came to me and asked why my .17hmr turned up on a crime scene, i couldnt tell them anything - i sold it on armslist and didnt take down the guys info. thats the end unless they can tie me to the crime or something, which again, if he didnt do it then nothing to worry about it
  20. the serial number is on the form - but its not called into the ATF
  21. Those papers are for a background check only. If a crime was committed with the gun it wont trace back to you or your brother because it was never registered. The only way they could find it is to track the gun to the store it was sold and check that stores forms. In other words - dont worry about it.
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