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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. hmm my mistake - he was racing a focus last season, assumed it was the same car...you're right thought, looking closer you can see the different lines on the hood where the hinges are http://www.kiwirallyfan.com/Motorsports/RallyPortugal2010/BlockShakedown1/891340629_9vPsR-L.jpg last years car
  2. thats a focus - and its awd with 600hp i would rock it
  3. i will vote for whoever the republicans put up....anything to get obama the fuck out of there
  4. agreed. i thought he would be a strong leader and such, but this episode he kinda really showed his colors, and left a bad taste in my mouth.
  5. me too....at first i liked Jake, but after this episode im not so sure
  6. im so glad that chic went home.....not sure how she even made it to the show lol she was such a horrible shot, no matter what she was shooting now i hope the blue team wins next week and send ol' ginger home anyone think its funny that the ginger is on the red team, and wear red sunglasses too?
  7. only to you. and some people see dogs the same as they see cats, good or bad. i dont really care for either of them to be honest....ide be just as upset about a cat being killed as a dog, which equates to not very upset honestly.... dogs are less annoying than cats - but theyre still just animals/pets.....in some countries theyre just food....if i had to get stuck with a cat or a dog, it would be a hard choice....cats fucking suck but theyre less maintenance....dogs are annoying 75% of the time and are more work, but theyre more fun to be around than cats, because cats fucking suck
  8. trade in or sell private party as is....not worth the time and effort to fix it, and i wouldnt talk to insurance about it at all....rates will go up more than it would cost to just fix it
  9. your puter aint the problem you just cant work the setting on the website noob
  10. a year or two seems excessive....i think 6 months is completely fair...but i think some sort of anger management and counseling should be required when he is released
  11. $9 shipped? hell, im tempted to buy one just to give it a try, and i dont even need one lol
  12. ORLY? https://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=184150228312469
  13. theres a $15,000 reward for her...im pretty sure somebody has tried to find her
  14. agreed. while i dont know many who use corn in chili, i would not say that adding corn makes it a "stew" it just isnt the way YOU make chili a lot of people dont even use beans, and a lot of chili contests say no beans allowed....doesnt mean people who use them dont make "real" chili, they just make their chili differently than you do ive never seen stew made with no potatoes and with ground beef instead of cubes of beef ftr - ive never seen green beans in chili
  15. careful AOW - make sure next time that helmet is out of its airtight bag, you set it on a nice plush blanket instead of a harsh wooden table. at this rate of inflation, by next week you should be able to sell that thing for 1.88$ million
  16. umm...if theyre such "bad apples" why would they care if they are legally allowed to own the guns or not? people like that will get them either way. not like theres a background check involved in private party sales. or theft. once a person is released from jail/prison and no longer on parole etc - that is time served. no more punishment after that point. if they still deserved to be punished, they should have a longer sentence.
  17. yes. it is our right to carry. also - your argument makes no sense......its already legal for them to go in and buy a guy and carry it openly, are you saying that carrying concealed is more dangerous than open carry? soon as someone is 21, they can go in and buy a handgun and holster, slap it on their hip, and carry it openly "without having ever shot it or for that matter even knowing how to work it correctly. all they know is that it will shoot when the trigger is pulled. " if it was up to me, there would be no more permits needed for concealed carry, and there would be no restrictions on who can carry. why should a minor marijuana charge from 1960 stop somebody from carrying today? if they committed a felony they also have their rights revoked. if the felony was so horrible, they should still be in jail. once they are out of jail, i consider that time served. if somebody went on a killing spree with an AK and killed 30 people, they are never going to see the light of day again, therefore they wont ever have the opportunity to own a firearm. if somebody ran from the police on a sport bike and spent 90 days in jail and got 3 years probation, i dont see how that correlates to them not ever being allowed to own a firearm to protect themselves. the constitution isnt just a suggestion, those are our rights. we need to stand up for our rights before we lose them completely
  18. oh ok...so they were actually TRYING to leave the parking lot at 100mph and go offroad on purpose?? in that case, i say it was a success, they definitely did go off-road
  19. i saw a huge deer standing next to the road eating a tree the other day....i was in my loud truck and i stopped literally 20 feet from it....it just stood there and kept eating while it was looking directly at me ....it didnt even care they must know its not hunting season yet....i believe they are pretty smart
  20. here you go...found this article on how to clean and rewind factory mag for 10/22 give this a try http://www.heypete.com/pete/shooting/rugermag.html
  21. i found the problem i dont know anybody that has a ProMag in anything that actually works....online reviews are shit, forum reviews are shit, etc....the ProMag springs are too weak and cause all kinds of havoc use clean factory mags and i bet you will be good to go
  22. doesnt seem too far off if the people are desperate....might have been having a shitty night when he posted it or something, never know...the news of a baby can make people do strange things they only sold for like 6k brand new that year, so they werent really expensive to start with my aunt has one and rides the hell out of it, she loves it...nice bikes (she lives in AZ though, so gets to ride all year) and i only put my phone number in an ad once....never again....i got someone calling me trying to get me to ship my car to jamaica, and one kid kept calling me offering me garage sale items for a $7500 car (old game systems, chairs, whatever)
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