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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. somebody didnt read the article. nobody handcuffed his stupid ass - he drowned himself.
  2. oh well, fuck it. nobody made his ass go in the water in the first place.
  3. only when he drew the penis and boobs on the mirror.
  4. i wouldnt ride down that ramp at all - let alone do some damn flips
  5. when i was a kid i was too stupid to unstand the whole loop thing...so i dont tie my knots either of those ways i do the first part, then when you make the one loop and go around it, i actually make two loops and then knot them together....it looks the same when its completed, it just isnt tied in either of those ways lol
  6. i could only watch 1:15 of that video before i had to shut it off.....what a piece of shit, i was waiting for someone to snipe his ass with a .408 but it never happened
  7. diesel is now cheaper than gas - suckers.
  8. the air intake is directed onto the radiator, not into the motor! stupid, i thought everybody knew that.
  9. i know this. but not every car has it, and i wont buy one that will. i drive an 01 f250 right now...it doesnt even have anti-theft in it, you can literally pull the cover off under the steering wheel and push a little pin forward to start it, no key, no computer chip, no nothing....i like to keep it simple
  10. i dont sign up for the snapshot discount, and if it were made mandatory i would drop progressive, and if all insurance companies picked it up, i would get a bond and say f-em. not squirming about anything, and if a gps tracker was placed into my car as a mandatory thing, im pretty sure when they tracked it they would never see it leave my garage....it would be like having an illegal exhaust in a place with e-check....put it on (stock system) to go get inspection, take it off afterwards...theres ways around everything. hell, maybe even unplug the speedo sensor so my mileage never goes up - then if they try to make an argument that i gained miles but the gps never moved - it would be a bust theres ways around everything, and the american people will only take so many violations of rights before something is done about it. i think you should work for big brother - seems like you support all their ideas, come up with ideas of your own, and follow the law blindy (like the dancing thread...ill dance wherever the hell i want to, fuck whatever law they write....i dont dance though)
  11. i wouldnt call it tin foil hat thinking - i dont want to give big brother or the insurance companies more reason to write me tickets or raise my insurance rates get a letter in the mail, "On June 1st, at 12:21 PM, our records show that your vehicle was traveling at 72mph, instead of the posted 65mph. Enjoy your ticket - sheep."
  12. not in my truck. and not in any car i ever purchase in the future. hence why i said "the day they start putting black boxes in all cars is the day i never buy another newer car again." theres already some new cars i would not purchase, anything that is going to track my driving habits and such? no thank you.
  13. this would be great if it was actually hard to pass....no tests ever are though, ccw course, driving class, msf course, etc etc.....all these public tests are in place for the common retard to be able to pass...im not sure why we even have any tests to be honest, it doesnt prevent the countless number of idiots from being out on the roads
  14. fuck everything you just said. the day they start putting black boxes in all cars is the day i never buy another newer car again. i will not have big brother tracking my every movement while im driving, especially not voluntarily. fuck that. i wouldnt even buy some newer GM cars because the onstar cant be removed (the hardware) without other stuff in the car being affected
  15. mmmhmm....im calling all the local maacos and busting your ass, fool.
  16. fuck you guys. i tweeze my taint. one hair at a time, bitches.
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