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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. dude...i gave you my battery tender jr, why didnt you have it hooked up??? FAIL
  2. i agree...its what they want to do, lets just remove their benefits and cut them down to minimum wage...i mean, who needs money to survive when youre doing what you love! AMIRITE? hell...why not just make them volunteers! "500k a year" yea fuckin right.... maybe union president, but never a union employee...wanting decent benefits and a yearly raise of a couple cents is not asking for a lot considering what they do. you think you deserve a raise more because you dont like your job? thats your own fault for going into a field you dont like, just because they enjoy their job doesnt mean they deserve to get paid any less than someone who hates theirs. the longer youre with a company, the more you should make is the way i see it....youre vested in that company, youre dedicated, and obviously you do decent work or your ass would be canned (and yes, union employees DO get fired occasionally) you act like theyre demanding $10/hr raise every year explain why non union employees deserve to get raises but union employees dont? (im speaking directly of the employees affected by this bill - EMT, firefighters, teachers, etc....not UAW or private unions etc...thats another story)
  3. 9/19....guess thats what i get for being brand biased towards ford and not knowing shit about anything else
  4. idk....maybe because theyre educating the future leaders of this country, and protecting the lives and property of YOU and all the other people of the United States? (even those here illegally!)
  5. ill try to make it down to hang out sometime....hows the bike situation?

  6. i dont get it....it was discovered during a traffic stop, so obviously someone was in the vehicle with the chemicals....how did THREE officers get injured by it, but the driver didnt? sounds like somebody fucked up (or 3 somebodies!)
  7. last one is best...so wrong but so funny!
  8. we're putting a SECOND speedometer on your bike so you can check your speed while you check your speed!
  9. yea i totally forgot that i leave a key to my truck in my cupholder...and my back window doesnt lock, so literally anybody can reach into my truck and grab the key out of the cup holder and drive it away lol.....guess ill take that key outta the cupholder and start tucking it in my wallet or something
  10. im in a private union, so it doesnt affect me
  11. it should fit in small box my gun: Height: 5.04" Width: 1.34" Length: 7" thanks for the heads up!
  12. very true...the only place i would have it locked up is when im at work or school...which is only a few hours at a time anyways, if i go to the bank or something ill just toss it in the glovebox or hit the drive thru i think ill pick one of those boxes up, a lot cheaper than i expected...and a lot smaller than my fireproof box lol
  13. found it from your pic link lol... $30 aint bad at all! http://www.meijer.com/s/gun-vault-nano-vault-100-gun-safe/_/R-170416
  14. where can i find one like that? is the cable sturdy or something that can be cut with bolt cutters?
  15. yep...one bite with the fire roasted was way more than enough!
  16. i need to get a lockbox for the truck...problem is, behind my seat is completely full (single cab, and i have a toolbox behind my seat), so ill have to do some thinking about where ill put it lol...i have a little fireproof lock box already, may just use it with a thick cable lock and try to fit it inside the truck somewhere...not as thin as a gun safe, but it should do the job
  17. awesome lol i think ill have to grab this one its a nice truck, massive flat bed with tool boxes etc...such a shame! needs too much work though lol
  18. lol i still sign my house number up for EVERYTHING because i dont want people calling me....and i havent had a house phone for like 5 years or more! **edit...just called it and its disconnected ...guess they dont recycle home phone numbers like they do cell phones when my dad passed, it only took them like 2 weeks to give his phone number away to some rude bitch....cell phone numbers are a free for all i guess
  19. have you tried the two new sauces? the green one is "eh" but the other new one is DISGUSTING
  20. how does the hood hold up? we're about to scrap an 80s something f350 diesel, i could snatch the hood off of it lol
  21. theyve gotten smarter...its not always this easy their first emails are tricky now...put my helmet for sale and i got this email "dpoes this come with the box?" i figured maybe he typo'd "does"...but other than that, it sounded legit to me ...not sure why people would want the box, but ive sold game systems before and had people request the box so i didnt think anything of it responded and then he responded with the typical scam stuff sure enough though, after that i got about 10 more emails from different addresses all saying the same exact scam...i have a special email set up just for buying and selling online, i use it for anything i suspect i may get spammed from lol
  22. supposedly the brother was just trying to shoot in the air.... wonder what the real story is, if the brother was aiming at someone else and missed and hit his brother, or if he was fighting with his brother and purposely shot him or what from what ive seen...shooting in the air doesnt solve problems, it makes them worse....watched two guys fighting with a crowd around them...after the fight one guy goes to his car and gets out a gun and fired it off in the air, and all the people around him swarmed his ass...he jumped back in his car and went to drive off and people were hitting him through his windows and shit, and i believe he dropped his gun also or someone took it from him people are idiots...guns arent very good toys
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