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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. ill have to swing by there next time...i went to vances and it was so bad i actually left before they called my number and drove to gander even though the shotgun was priced $30 more (before i knew they price match)
  2. be like all other SM riders and strap a gas tank to your seat extended range: no problem!
  3. agreed. saw it for sale at a place much better than vances, so i posted it...seemed like an alright deal to me! and yes they do price match, you dont wait 2 hours in line to get treated like "customer number 16", and its not located in the ghetto lol
  4. yea...i dont think so. no parking means no parking. lol
  5. http://www.gandermountain.com/modperl/product/details.cgi?i=GM436467&pdesc=Smith_Wesson_Bodyguard_380_Semi_Auto_Pistol_with_Laser&aID=510C1&merchID=4006
  6. thats how 670 is here in columbus lol...you can do 90mph and have people passing you
  7. lol ever drive in a state that has these on the freeway?? the shit is hilarious....i was visiting my family in phoenix and borrowed my aunts car and went for a drive... hit the freeway and they have those cameras since they have them everywhere, theres hardly any cops on the freeways...and they have warning signs "speed camera 1/4 mile ahead" or something of the sort you will see people flying doing 95+, whole groups of people...then all the sudden everyone is on the brakes slowing down to pass under the camera, as soon as they hit the other side, the whole group speeds back up people out there drive like theyre on the run from the mental hospital
  8. i smell a troll, but if not congrats! glad to see a legit deal for once instead of someone scammin
  9. where you been man? you disappeared and your fb went away too lol

    damn hippies are turning into ninjas now or something

  10. people on cleveland racing and here are both offering to buy it, r1crusher is assaulting this guys voicemail box, and yet nobody can contact him.....yep, he seems pretty desperate to sell it to me
  11. You know you're a biker when you have an argument about whether its better to park on the sidewalk or in the "no parking" lines.
  12. theyre fucking birds man....its not like they have souls, i seriously hate birds so much...ide let them fight then ide fry up the winner and have it with some bbq sauce
  13. i always figured parking in the lined off sections by the handicap zone was interfering with handicap parking and i always assumed you would get a ticket for it, the $250 fine or whatever you get for parking in a handicap zone
  14. they need to do something....$3.45 for diesel is BS....damn hippies ruined it for people by enforcing the damn "ultra-low-sulfur highway diesel fuel" ....thats why the shit is so expensive in this country...damn dirty hippies
  15. interesting blade lol supposedly, this guy was killed by one too...but it slashed his throat, which makes more sense than a cut on the leg http://www.dhyra.com/2011/01/man-killed-by-his-rooster-in.html
  16. i dont understand how he died....he got cut on the calf with a small razor blade and it killed him?? how
  17. yea...thats why i was furious with getting the ticket i got...its not like i parked a car in a motorcycle spot....i parked my bike in a spot made for a car, instead of driving my car and taking up the exact same spot....ridiculous only rode to save gas...but then with my ticket i got i broke even as if i had just driven my truck instead....woulda rather drove my truck and had some AC since it was middle of summer and blazing and i had to walk around campus carrying my helmet
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