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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. i dont even remember man...this was back in winter 06/07 lol i THINK it was these http://www.ironpony.com/ironponydirect/product.asp/ImageName/ptpowerglideglv.jpg/Brand/POWER%20TRIP/Class2/Gloves/Class3/Street%20Gloves-Mens/Class1/STREET%20PRODUCTS
  2. give me your black bike.

  3. this...nice gloves will keep you warm had a set of gloves i got at pony, they cost like 45 or 50 bucks i dont remember....leather, real soft inside.. me and derek went riding on quads when it was -5 degrees, 3 days in a row - my hands were dripping with sweat after an hour of riding....after having those nice gloves, ill never see a need for heated grips
  4. ^ did i read that right at thirty thousand?
  5. Steve Butters


    i work at UPS, and this is sadly false theres no one semi attractive girl at ups....the best looking girl ive ever seen while doing anything related to work, was still a 6/10....if were talking drivers like the pictures...3.5 out of 10 is the highest ive seen.... ah, a man can dream
  6. the people you just described, are not on OR...so i dont see the point of this thread...anyone who is enough of an enthusiast to participate in this website, is more than likely not the people youre describing.....
  7. i got a rental car that was supposed to be comparable to my car that was in the shop, via insurance. my car was a fully loaded saab with every electronic feature known to man. they gave me a shitty kia during a snow storm...the thing had no abs, no traction control, no nothing. it was like a stripped down, 6k brand new, pile of shit.....i cant believe any car comes without ABS anymore...i mean, i managed alright, but i would hate to imagine that some asian women are behind the wheels of these sliding death machines, projectiling themselves at the rest of the people on the road because they dont know how to stop without ABS in the snow...it was an 08 or 09 kia spectra, fairly new what makes it better is tho is when i returned it they asked me how i liked it, and i told them it was a pile of shit and i cant believe they rented it out during a snow storm....they tried to argue with me saying it had abs and tc...the dude was literally arguing with me, and i told him straight up i just drove it for a week in the snow, i know it had neither....idiot, he said its mandatory on all cars now and that i was wrong i just walked out
  8. my parents always told me not to start fights, but to finish them. nobody was disowning me lol. and sure you will get in trouble, but people should get the point way before you make it to the point of being expelled. isnt is generally a 3 strike type deal, per year? thats how both schools i was at were. 3rd fight of the year you get expelled, until then youre golden. (1-3 day suspension, then 5-10 day, then expelled) not including talking shit, setting up outside of school fights, and general dickery..... you have no idea how much shit i got away with....if youre worried about fighting at school, you do it outside of school...when i was 14 i got suspended twice for hitting the same douchebag, so my dad called his dad and was set up for me and this kid to fight outside of school and get it all outta our system uninterrupted...the kid didnt wanna fight anymore, and that squashed it...no more trouble the rest of the year no way im killing myself for being picked on, theres much better ways to deal with it
  9. what ever happened to good old crackin skulls? someone talks shit, bust them in the mouth...they wont talk shit anymore...eventually people get the point worked for me
  10. i wouldnt wear a vega if it was free...let alone pay $140 for it!! cheap junk....and wtf is up with their sizing...i wear a L in most brands, but a 3x vega was snug as fuck on me if bluebooth is that important, just buy a chatterbox, dont get a cheap junk helmet just for the extra features
  11. let someone do this at the funeral of someone i love....ide be killin someone, idgaf if its a teenage girl or not - just makes it easier to strangle them
  12. they never ever go smoothly...lol been there
  13. what skills needed? just pull the engine outta the old bike and shove it in right? clean up the carb maybe....what else does it need?
  14. i dont mind them either, but hes always talking about how he wants a 600cc I4 bike....i dont see the use in putting more money and work into a bike that he doesnt fully enjoy to begin with
  15. he isnt selling the supra lol...hes been saying that forever, its not going nowhere
  16. there was a guy who went sky diving and landed without his chute (it didnt open) and he lived....i think he broke like every bone in his body though lol **edit..cant find the video of this anymore, but i did find a few similar ones...i guess its not uncommon for people to live from this somehow...found a girl who did, and a skydiving instructor too http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/17113222 this guy broke his ankle and collapsed a lung, and was out of the hospital in 11 days
  17. i wouldnt bother dude....get the money and buy something else...if another OR member wants to buy it, buy it back and sell it to them, otherwise i would take the money and not look back...thats just me though....you've been talking about an I4 bike for awhile, nows the perfect time
  18. whats with all the rug burn? i prefer that shit smooth like silk
  19. wow if i hadnt bought my shoei earlier this year ide be all over that...the pump and the inner visor is nice
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