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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. i guess we can be friends.
  2. if its like this and does 100mph like this one does, then ill approve you on my friend list
  3. pics of boat? thats how i will decide whether or not i like you
  4. sam...he wants to take you on his boat
  5. not really concerned with my savings being low at the moment...just future preparation and yea my payment is like $60 a month just get tired of being the only cruiser lol
  6. perhaps i should keep it until i get outta school and see where it goes from there? i honestly didnt even expect anyone to respond to my CL ad lol
  7. im really only 2k in debt at the moment, so its not a big deal since my monthly payment on my loan is piss cheap lol... its coming down to when i graduate - having 5-6k in my savings or 2-3k insurance and all that doesnt matter to me, my insurance is so cheap now that i paid it in 2 payments and im good to go until next summer...was like $240 for the year like i said - i have no urgency to sell it, but i thought ide post it for shits and giggles but now that i have a hit on it, i have to actually consider it i dont see myself riding it forever....but i wouldnt mind keeping it as a second bike i suppose maybe i just need to get out and ride more often and get better...you fuckin guys kill me on group rides though lol ....im either stuck in a group so slow i wanna take a nap, or i get stuck with people i cant hardly keep up with - i only can catch up in the straights lol.....theres doesnt seem to be a middle ground....hell ive ended up riding by myself a few times because im too far behind the fast group, but too far in front of the slow group i dont really commute on the bike, i only use it for OR stuff or goin riding with radio flyer lol ill commute on it when its not so damn hot though
  8. i enjoy this bike when im riding alone, just not when im riding with anyone else lol and i dont need to sell it, it wont hurt me to keep it in the slightest, but if i do sell it i wont be replacing it until a better time.... kinda one of those, i can afford to keep it, but cant afford to replace it if it was gone
  9. yea i wouldnt be in the air about it if i was immediately replacing it... just not sure how ill like going a year and a half without even having a bike
  10. might be selling the vmax....mixed feelings.... if i sell it, ill have the rest of my loan paid off and be 100% debt free (with enough left over for my CCW) and ill be able to get a good start on my savings since ill be graduating hopefully sometime next year....on the other hand, ill be without a bike and i have no intentions of buying another until im outta school, so probably winter 2011 or spring 2012 ill be in the market again....having mixed feelings - im not desperate to sell it - not at all...i just dont really enjoy the bike enough to justify keeping it...it sucks having to push myself to my absolute limit just to keep up with a moderate group ride, i lack experience, and the bike just isnt made for carving up corners....in a year or two when im ready to get another one, i dont know what ill be in the market for - sport bike, cruiser, sport touring, hell idk....but as of right now, i just dont ride it that much...thoughts? its been posted on CL and i have someone wanting to come with cash and look at it...really only posted it as a feeler, and i put a decent price on it where i think im coming out OK - im not giving it away its different now than the last time though, because this time its listed for sale by choice and not because i am in a bind ill easily have 5-6k in my savings by the end of next year if i sell it...which could really help me get out on my own and get my life started....trying to prioritize a little bit here
  11. lol once i buy it ill go to my girls house and me and her dad can put 200 through it easy
  12. park that shit in the house or something if you dont have a garage lol
  13. they keep interrupting TV to talk about this shit and it fucking rained for 10 minutes....i hate the news so much, nobody gives a fuck
  14. thats why i want to get something new and not used, and something reliable that will take care of me if i take care of it i dont know the history on that walther
  15. why is what shawn? that i liked the feel better? idk i just liked how that particular gun felt in my hand over the 38 i had...or why did i not feel safe with the walther? it jammed on us once while shooting it
  16. posted that lolcat and the person who runs that page deleted it lol
  17. wish my truck fit in my garage wtf lol oh well...its insured...i hope if we do get hail, its really comes in at a good angle and gets the side of my truck...i have a dent in the bed ide like insurance to fix for me at no charge to me
  18. my saab was indicated 155 when topped out, but was electronically limited to 146, so i take indicated speeds with a grain of salt when you get going that fast and no doubt theres fast hwy patrol vehicles...shit, obetz has a gixxer police bike, not to mention the vettes and shit in cali/florida etc... but not a crown vic lol that guys a fool
  19. do you think we're stupid? youve made it clear that you already dont like the majority of the people on this forum and that you only come here to use it as a classifieds section...why would you want to meet people that you already dont like? nobody is falling for that....nice way to try and cover your ass though, too bad its not a little more convincing
  20. cop on CR says he hit low 140s indicated in his patrol car responding to a call...i could maybe see that, assuming that the indicated speed is inflated on them by 5-10mph like it is on most vehicles!
  21. why keep threatening people about saying stuff to you in person? its not like you come out to any meets or anything to follow up on it
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