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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. if you weigh more than 200lbs, avoid this thing like the plague...most uncomfortable seats ever unless youre a skinny bastard hell, if youre over 6ft tall its kinda cramped too...feel like your face is pressed into the windshield/headliner looks like a real clean car though, my mom has one and she loves it...she paid about the same for hers
  2. after i saw the vette pulled over, i think i woulda just gave up lol
  3. i like the one with the rim painted red
  4. my girl just bought a huge tent from walmart for like $120... sleeps 10, nice 3 room tent
  5. NWS!!! pornographic ads - not related to video also, open at your own risk...firefox says it was listed as an attack site http://www.shooshtime.com/videos/99426_Bizarre-Race-Who-Can-Get-The-Ticket-First.html i have noscript running and just allowed digg and shooshtime through, and i didnt get anything from the site, nor did people on CR loved this clip though lol...im downloading the whole dvd from demonoid now, along with the other 4 in the series
  6. lol when we stopped at a stop sign i told jerry i was shocked that thing even goes the speed limit not sure which sportster youre talking about, all those harleys look the same to me
  7. come out and ride more often, so im not alone! haha...i gotta bust ass to keep up with these damn sport bikes...atleast on the poker run shawn was the only sport bike and he wasnt pushing it since he had his wife on back and 6 cruisers following him
  8. hey i talked to my girl today and got the OK to go with ya to the shack....so unless something comes up, im good to go...just gotta find a way to bungee a sleeping bag onto the back of the bike for the ride down lol

  9. i would say raise the idle a lot...i had this problem with my vmax and that fixed it...was running rich as bill gates so i rejetted it and it wouldnt even start hardly....after fighting with it for like 5 mins i got it started and it wouldnt even idle....turned the idle up a LOT and it finally started to idle...its crazy how many times i had to turn the screw, especially considering with the other jets it would idle semi-fine before messing with it...now it idles at 4k with the choke and 1500 without the choke...i have the idle up a little high because if i idle it lower it likes to studder some and will occasionally die out at real long stop lights
  10. my only guess is it broke the oil filter off and sprayed oil onto the hot engine
  11. damn it sounds like the party really picked up after i took off lol...too bad i had to get back
  12. i couldnt believe how many people were tossin 'em back and then hopping on their bikes and taking off
  13. leave it to the AFJs to keep it classy. although, i bet cattani was just swingin. sucks to see someones pride and joy burn down like that, especially if they have 30k invested into it like mentioned
  14. thats how i feel...i have to take off my seat to put gas in it
  15. oh...and i dont think you really woulda wanted to hang out more...we went back to shawns house and got a nice fire goin, ordered up some pizza, and then outta nowhere his dog gets blasted in the face by a skunk and it was disgusting lol overall still a good time, but fuck that dog
  16. you too! youre such a cute little fellow gamecube at my house?
  17. thanks for buying my monitor ben!! it will be a nice addition in shawns house! woop woop
  18. i hope thats all it is...im paranoid as hell since her dad and brother both just got it somehwere out in their yard lol
  19. lick my taint im here house sitting while my girl is off camping with her family...the horse got out because the fence is broke so they put rope up to block it and the horse broke through the rope and almost got ran over by a truck....so i grabbed its harness on its face and tried to drag it back up to its pin (thats how my girl drags the damn thing around) and it wouldnt budge...had to bribe it with feed....then had to navigate her dads truck out there to block off the fence by parking in front of it all that and all i did was go out there to give it some fuckin hay.....now i might have poison ivy too my girl definitely owes me for this.....cant wait to collect!
  20. no actual blisters or anything yet...just starting to get raised bumps...im hoping maybe i just rubbed against something and broke out...ill know in the morning lol ive never had poision ivy before
  21. lol yea, im pretty sure its beyond lbts on a side note...i think i just got poision ivy on both forearms...FML, gonna be uncomfortable as shit all day tomorrow
  22. my friends gf just got into an accident tonight and wrecked their passport...she had to be cut from the car, so needless to say that thing is finished...shes alright though as of now, broken leg in 3 spots anyways...hes lookin for a replacement 4x4...nissan, honda, isuzu, jeep, whatever.... i asked his price range and he said 500-3000...so i guess hes flexible lol let me know what ya got thanks
  23. im tweeting your mom and ratting you out since youre so mean to me
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