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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. paying full coverage on the thing would be a waste of a money...he paid $250 for it, the price difference between liability and full coverage would make it a waste of $$ to bother
  2. lock and padlock isnt going to stop them if they want it man... that thing isnt heavy, someone will just pick it up and throw it in a truck bed and be on their way if thats their thing maybe if you ran a chain through the frame and shit and locked it around a pole or something, but you wont find a pole to chain your bike to in most parking lots, and realistically, who the hell wants to haul a big ass chain around with them? stop being paranoid...nobody is going to steal that thing from a parking lot maybe if you park it outside at night time, someone might snatch it, but not during the day out in public - its not worth their time or energy...its not desireable to part out, its not particularly valuable, nobody is going to steal it for a track bike when theres 30 sport bikes parked in front of iron pony they could grab at any given time to each their own i guess...i wouldnt bother
  3. sam...his bike does stand out for a 250 ninja though
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1sn_1rggGFc your padlock aint doin shit man...if they want it, its gone (skip to 3min in the video)
  5. wheezle was just complimenting women too...i dont see how you guys dont see that?
  6. schmuck...your girl is HOT jk, dont taze me bro
  7. sell it...somebody will buy it to offroad and wont care about it being banged up scrap will only yield ya 300-400, parting it out would be a hassle
  8. i hate this thing...its applied to too much shit... i saw one that talked about "juggalo" friends and it was the same thing...itll never be the same again
  9. give me a little more advance next time and ill ride with ya...booked up for tonight

  10. http://maps.google.com/maps/place?hl=en&safe=off&client=firefox-a&hs=4eq&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=randy%27s+machine+shop&fb=1&gl=us&hq=randy%27s+machine+shop&hnear=Columbus,+OH&cid=13449526043787213558
  11. i guess the big marked crown vic sitting behind him wasnt an indication either huh? those damn tricksters and the gun was pointed at the ground, not the bike or the rider...watch it again http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RK5bMSyJCsg
  12. watching the video, i dont think the cop was in the wrong at all the kid was clearly looking back behind him, he checked his mirrors twice then did a full turn around...he knew he was caught, and the officer probably assumed the kid knew he was caught due to how he was reacting cop pulls in front of him while theyre already at a stop, the guy on the bike then begins to move backwards...at that point, the cop has no idea what the biker is doing, so he draws his gun and keeps it at his side just in case if a cop stops you and walks up to your car and you throw it in reverse, you bet your ass theyre going to draw their gun, they have no idea if you have intentions of hitting them, running, or what if you actually watch the video from an unbiased standpoint (rest of the story aside), then the cop arguably did nothing wrong aside from not announcing himself right away, but i hardly think that 3 second gap caused this situation, its just the only leg people have to stand on to argue against the cop. whether the kid knew the car behind him was a cop or not, we will never know, but it sure as hell looks like he knew he was pinched....if some crazy ass civilian is chasing me in their car, im fucking gone...if a cop is chasing me (over something as small as pulling a wheelie and lane splitting) im not gonna risk running away, which he didnt the rider made his mistake when he started backing away from the police officers car why is everyone acting like the cop hopped out with his gun aimed at the guy ready to fire? thats not the case on a non-related note....the charges brought against this guy are ridiculous, and i do not agree with them at all...the police handled the fallout of all of this horribly, and i will be let down with our justice system if the guy is prosecuted for his camera that law applies only to private situations, being pulled over in the middle of the road with people all around you in their cars, is hardly private....i see no problem with him recording in public, and hope the judge sees it the same way
  13. nope...def the batcycle from the dark knight
  14. that guy totally needs the leather batman riding suit
  15. gotcha...generally when people talk about a "full system reset", they mean their harddrive and shit, not rebooting the router lol
  16. ide buy this thing if i had the money laying around looks like a sweet little bike
  17. if you ever wanna hit a bike night, just give me a call...its too hot for me to ride to bike night in full gear and stand around in the heat, so i can head to your place, throw your wheelchair in my truck and you can take the bike up there and ill follow ya

    614 425 5463, feel free to give me a ring if you ever need help or anything or wanna go for a ride

  18. that shit looks OEM...hell yea man!! you guys did great, everyone involved.
  19. cars been sold awhile, bruh. get with it.
  20. sam...ill miss you when that dude snaps and shoots you d-e-d
  21. ill let you make an eiffle tower with me and that dudes wife? ah shit, who am i kidding, ide let ya do that anyways brother
  22. PM them to me. i wont share them, and you know we have a bond, because of that one time i talked to you voice to voice on the telephone, sir! were like soul brothers, but not related since i wanna see family milf pics without being a creeper
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