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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. Wtf is a motorcycle paramedic for? And why is he rushing to a hospital? Not like he's carrying a stretcher
  2. Just because he found some fool to buy something without testing it doesn't mean he showed anybody... It's still fucking stupid lol
  3. I had goodluck there... The bike I had inspected was wadded up after t boning a car at 50mph... I didn't have any receipts for anything since the bike was passed down to me from my dad fully restored... They didn't hassle me at all, very easy experience... If I wasn't currently buying a house, I'd probably pick this up from you and find somewhere to store it until I'm in town next... This is the exact bike I've been wanting to buy for my gf... Glws
  4. I tried these for so long and spent a few hundred on various setups and every single one of them had coil problems and would get gurgly and bubbley and I'd end up with nicotine juice in my throat... I finally gave up, it got way too expensive dropping a hundred a month on new setups... I must have the worst luck in the world with these because everyone here seems to be fine... I quit cold turkey and haven't smoked a cig since January... I do throw in a snus pouch every now and then though, but it's much better for me than smoking was
  5. Dude, no way that guy on the cbr was even trying... I realise harleys can be quick, but that cb should have cleaned house... Who races for less than 100yds anyways?
  6. What's with all the no test ride listings? I'm not buying anything without riding it first, that's the dumbest shit I see posted all the time with bike ads. Glws and shit.
  7. I also would have made this trade, in a heartbeat... Awesome new bike!
  8. I packed this in my gloves when I did concrete... Life saver... My hands used to crack so bad they would start bleeding and this cured it right away
  9. Does it work well pauly? Dry herb vape? For my green tea leaves obviously.
  10. My windows 7 works fine... The fuck I need support for? Lol
  11. Don't they have a program you can download and run than is like a demo? Too lazy to look it up, I'm pretty sure there is.
  12. They told me the same when I ordered a tire Monday.... I don't mind spending the extra $10 or whatever it might have been, RD always treats me right so that's where I do business, aside from some massive deals or something somewhere else
  13. When we were heading home from Vegas, two assholes in a BMW pulled up next to us cussing us out for going too slow... We were doing 80 in a 65 already... If you wanna go faster, fine, just pass me and roll on... But cussing me out for going too slow while I'm already 15 over? Go fuck yourself.
  14. I much prefer driving out here... People suck at driving in Ohio and Arizona both, but at least they know where the gas pedal is out here lol...id go fucking crazy moving back to Ohio and not being able to do 80-90 while blending in with traffic There's no courtesy out here is the problem... If you hit your signal, people block you... Nobody let's anyone out... They don't even wave thank you out here, like when you wave someone through or something... Bunch of asshole drivers
  15. Agreed. Everything I buy that's motorcycle related either comes oem or riders discount. Awesome to work with, actually placed an order Monday.
  16. This is what everyone says... I've never ridden a small Street bike... Went from a vmax to a vfr800 to a cb1000r... Girlfriend wants a supermoto to learn on, so might get a drz400 or wr250 for her and I'll have to take it out on a few rides
  17. i hear these people all know each other and have had run ins before....probably why he stopped, although i agree he should have kept going
  18. i dont think you will need advice. youre over thinking it. its still a motorcycle, it rides just like any other (although more comfortably)....common sense is the only tool you need to transition
  19. They must use percentages for discounts... I got a $5800 credit for having an endorsement and having a current policy with another company...haha
  20. This inspired me to check them out... I normally get insane prices from big box companies (550/mo with a clean driving record at progressive and geico both)... So I use national general and got it for 150/mo... They just renewed me at 900 down and 350 a month, which is around 5k where the others are (I got 2 tickets, one minor one major)... So I checked esurance for fun, and holy fucking shit... This is the quote on my one bike, that isn't even a supersport and only 998cc... And it's not even an error, they keep contacting me to start coverage Luckily I found a company offering full coverage for $76/mo (decided to use a broker)... But this esurance shit had me dying
  21. A* gloves never last me more than one season... Garbage... But comfortable so I still buy a pair occasionally
  22. Also in for some popcorn! I've knocked a car off stands before, so I know how this will turn out. Only in if Magdor will be laying under the car, which I'm sure he would be since he's so positive it can't happen.
  23. LOLOL So, you leave all the weight on the jack, place stands there with no load, just in case car falls? Brilliant! Car should be lowered onto stands, checked for stability, then jack removed... These are there in case the stands fail... There's no dropping of weight on anything, it's for situations where the stands might kick out if the weight is shifted wrong or if one fails and somehow retracts down. Now to wait for your response that will explain why doing it your unsafe way is the best way and has always worked for you because cars don't shoot people in Ashtabula.
  24. My cousin was ejected from a car crash that would have killed him for sure if he hadn't been... He was very lucky to not be wearing it. Shit happens. I still wear mine though, because for every story where a seat belt causes death, there's probably a thousand where it saves
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