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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. I've got a galaxy note which is a hair smaller than the 6+ but I definitely agree... I had the same worry but now I'd never go back to standard size phone
  2. I swear 3/4 of the people in this thread suck dick for insurance discounts
  3. lol progressive tried telling me that my bike is the same as a cbr1000rr and wanted $550 per MONTH for insurance on a 2012 naked bike with a 12k sticker...fuck them. driving record was clean at the time as well. geico pulled the same shit on me with this bike, also wanting about $500 a month...i dont remember the exact figures, but the overall policy was quoted at about 5200-5700 for the year (with geico being the lower of the two) im with national general (gmac formally) and they insured it for $125/mo ($145 now after a couple tickets).... and $125 deductibles for claims, which beats the $250-500 (i forget which) in the progressive plans
  4. Ah, so just more poor comprehension rather than an actual high price... Just checking. This guy does come around now and then... Might have better luck PMing him. He never posted a price, not even 1k.
  5. heres the only wear i can see - not sure if this is what you meant by face....hard chrome is very durable, so im not sure you will find a finish that doesnt mark up...its not wearing through, its its got rub marks where its a little more shiny...up around the HK logo theres some and then the line across the bottom of the row of numbers is worn in
  6. wont let me edit posts so have to keep making new ones...let me know if you need any other pics...id say theres 500-600rds through it after being refinished and its been my EDC also (looks like it was refinished mid 2011 per the hkpro thread... so 3.5yrs or so)....man...i need to go shooting more often
  7. This is my edc, the finish is holding up great
  8. Probably use it 4-5 times a year for motorcycle/camping ...and probably frequent weekend trips to the track but that's right down the road... Very light use so don't wanna put a lot in it
  9. No it doesn't. I'll get some pics later when I get home for you... I've only put maybe 500-600rds through it since refinish though.
  10. www.hkpro.com/forum/hk-handgun-talk/144629-got-my-p2000sk-slide-back-apw.html
  11. Barrel slide and take down pin
  12. I had mine refinished in brushed hard chrome... Looks great. I used these guys www.apwcogan.com/plating-and-refinishing/finishes-metal-finishes.html
  13. I still plan on building the trailer this year, just haven't got started yet... My trailer money went to a plane ticket to fly back to Ohio for death in the family... I'll post up once I get started and decide what I plan to do,just been delayed sadly Pauly I will keep your advice in mind... I'll have more time now to build it and get it setup nicely, so I'll definitely post back here once I get going... I think I'm going to take your advice on using standard kit with a couple upgrades
  14. MSF costs $289 in AZ... Nobody out here takes it... Shame really, very good classes.
  15. I haven't posted in here in awhile... Fell out of gym habits back in May, Steph got real sick and we stopped going for a couple weeks and never got back into it... Changed up our diet (nothing fancy - cut most of the pop and fast food and working on portion control) and started walking the dogs before and after work... My overall progress has been nice, but I still have a long way to go... I hate going to the gym, I need to find a hobby or something... I was up to 318 but I hit my lowest today at 276 so I'm down 42lbs... Been about 6 months... Very slow progress, but progress none the less... I started drinking 64oz of water each day now like recommended (before, I'd have an energy drink and nurse it for 9hrs at work and then some water before bed) and that's helped a lot too
  16. He means full exhaust for an 02+ 1000cc bike (gixxer)... You need to brush up on your West Side Columbus lingo.
  17. I would call your attorney and ask him. Probably isn't the first time he's ran into this.
  18. The chicken rings are good if you don't get the flavoring on them... That powdered shit is awful though, they use so much you don't even taste the chicken No red cream soda at white castle? What the fucking fuck?
  19. Bunch of weak digestive systems in here ... I can eat these things until I pass out and never get the shits... Same with taco bell... I've evolved over yall lol
  20. ^ they Or the Russians just got tired of trolling you.
  21. No longer getting the warning, looks like they fixed it.
  22. Fuck yea... I miss white castle... End up in Vegas quite often so this is perfect lol
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