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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. I agree with Bubba.. They shouldn't have drove right up on him... Justifiable shooting based solely on what I can see in video, but horrible police work that escalated it. Officer driving the car should not be employed any more.
  2. Oh yea, and thanks for telling me what I have to admit and why
  3. Lol I'm not getting into some back and forth shit. Not taking the bait bub. Believe whatever you like but my stance doesn't change. I don't believe people should have to ask the government for permission to exercise their rights. First amendment zones? Permits to protest? None of that shit. Doesn't change the fact that those laws exist. They exist because we allowed them to be created. We voted in the people who made them. Go and spin those words however you want. Just wanted to point out the hypocrisy of this conversation. Carry on with the freedom hating and prejudice thoughts.
  4. Because as a society we've allowed it. I believe in the constitution regardless of whatever unconstitutional laws are forced upon us. It just makes no sense to see a bunch of pro 2A dudes whining about someone carrying a firearm without a permit (which wasn't even the case, you just assumed since it was a hipoint on a black dude)
  5. Gotta agree... Dude hit your garage, yea that sucks, but who gives a shit if he was carrying a gun with or without a permit. Carrying is a constitutional right, fuck whatever laws are in place to regulate it... I'm surprised to see all this shit from this group, of all people. You guys would apparently shit yourself living in a constitutional carry state... God forbid someone doesn't ask permission from the government to exercise their rights
  6. Fucking people still haven't learned... Don't feed the troll. That asshole hasn't said one intelligent thing ever and you guys still try to argue with him and convince him you're right.
  7. Side note: it's ugly as shit. But bought it with 140k miles, and I put 30 a year on it.. So no use buying a nice car to commute in
  8. I'm 24... It's not like I was buying cars in the 60s.. I bought an altima last summer for 1500 that hasn't needed anything but gas and oil changes... Heat, ice cold ac, Windows all work, etc... Plenty of deals out there
  9. I've bought plenty of cars for 800-1200 that didn't cost me any more than 50-100 bucks in tune up parts to be great
  10. Lol first yall are hating on boring beginner bikes, and now you're jerking off to a cheap beginner bike...I love yamaha, like I said it's my favorite manufacturer, but nothing about the fz09 impresses me... I paid 1k more for my cb1k new off showroom floor, and it beats out the fz09 in every category... Even low end torque... And I'm not riding around on a bike that feels like a wet noodle As far as fueling... I can't think of many stock bikes with good fueling, so that's kind of a null point.. I think US emissions regulations are to blame for that
  11. I have ps4 tbutera2112 picking up gta v Tuesday so that's pretty much all I'll be playing. I also have destiny, Madden 15, cod ghosts, and some other shit I rarely play... Madden and gta v will be primary... Skipping cod advanced warfare... Too kiddish and haloesque, that's what I have destiny for.... I'll check it out when they go back to a more realistic game, or maybe give battlefield another shot once new one comes out
  12. Ear piercing https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8142/7404794052_6f0c274d20_z.jpg
  13. I'm surprisingly OK with this. When black people in Ferguson band together and start attacking innocent people, at least some group will be there to fight back
  14. Oiled comb over, shaved sides, grizzly beard... You look confused bubby. Yes I'd brush head hair - and beard hair. But I'm not out buying 30 different products for my head
  15. Nothing but bad experiences with evolved. Never got a tat there, but they fucked up a piercing I got done, and they fucked up a triple helix piercing on my gf.. Just awful all around, wouldn't trust them to hold the door for me, let alone ink me... No suggestions, just wanted to put it out there that evolved is terrible
  16. All this foofoo shit... Beards are supposed to be manly... Yall sound like some high maintenance barbie bitches with all these products and accessories...
  17. I'll raise you It's great out here... West coast is where it's at lol... Just need to convert the rest of you to move out here
  18. Yea that's what I heard... Budweiser and guiness, room temp... Both sound awful lol
  19. Everyone I know whose been to Ireland says they drink it warm.
  20. im still trying to make it....damn, you people already booking rooms and shit? guess i figure some shit out a little quicker....as of now - this is my main #1 vacation next year, so i dont anticipate any problems - assuming the bike isnt wrecked and i have a valid license lol fuck it, worst case ill just sleep in my car at one of your guys camp sites...its just too early for me to book anything
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