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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. I use a small bag that expands... It holds my phone, wallet, some water, whatever... After expanding its pretty decent size www.firstgear-usa.com/silverstone_tank.html
  2. Lol bad link for pics... Half the people on this site hate CR and don't have logins, lot of people banned there too... Try photobucket or something if you wanna put links, that link isn't viewable to people not logged in to CR
  3. I think a lot of people are mistaking increased gun violence for increased awareness of gun violence... You guys keep talking about back in the day like there didn't used to be gun violence... People aren't changing, the reach of the media is just carrying stories farther than before, and all the gun grabbers are blowing up every story they hear www.thenation.com/blog/171838/gun-violence-american-schools-nothing-new
  4. If I didn't have a bike... BMW S1000R If I currently had 10k, I'd pay off the 10k I owe on my bike lol If it's just 10k to blow on a bike... Fjr1300 or st1300... I'd have to ride both first
  5. Any type of warranty left? Maybe call Suzuki and ask them if there's anything they would be willing to do? Look bad in press if you die riding their product due to manufacture defect, regardless of warranty...
  6. I have more fun low and mid range than up top... Not sure I would do it, but it's your bike... Will the gains up top be fairly substantial, or just moving power a little from mid to high?
  7. I need a front stand for my 2012 Honda CB1000R (not an RR) Pitbull Hybrid Forklift... Toss me a price for that one and price for the hybrid dual lift stand with pin for my bike... I want the dual lift, but may buy fork lift first and buy the headlift conversion piece later on... Just need something to put my bike up off the ground for awhile now... Getting ready to winterize it sadly Otd shipped to 85138 please
  8. You're so fucking stupid. I hate living in the same society as you. Yes. The cows threw massive deadly kicks towards agents flying in helicopters above them. Please don't ever fucking have kids.
  9. Peta has already publicly called out the blm for unethical treatment. Stfu about Peta, nobody cares... If you're gonna talk about Peta, at least know what you're saying... "I didn't realize peta only concern themselves with endangered animals"... Uhm, they spoke out about this situation awhile ago, and never mentioned turtles at all.... Ffs /backtolibsbeinglibs
  10. At an OR meet I dropped my vmax at a stoplight... We were in a tight group crossing Polaris Parkway, light turns green, I start to go and the girl in front of me stalled... I jammed up the brakes to not rear end her and my front brake lever snapped off... Got bike to a stop and then just fell... Fml
  11. I like open office except for the excel program... More complicated to use, never bothered spending too much time trying to learn it though to be fair Just grabbed office 2010 from a torrent instead lol
  12. Hoblick does great work. Definitely recommend him.
  13. Nevermind doesn't matter. I have enough to worry about in my own life, no need to worry myself about a video of a guy and his kid having a little fun on a motorcycle. Ymmv, but I choose to not concern myself with trivial shit. Have fun saving the world from heroin shooting child molesters.
  14. What if the kid has been riding for several years already on small bikes and already has an understanding of how it works... I'd say solo riding on a ttr is more dangerous than controlling the handlebars of a harley in a straight line. Are you against kids riding bikes period? I'm just dumbfounded as to why this is so upsetting.
  15. Lol yea... This is the same as child rape and shooting heroin... Good logic bub.
  16. Lol there's a few who may agree with you
  17. Maybe we should make more laws and regulate everybody for every decision that we don't find acceptable on a personal level. I'm sure there's people who get just as upset about parents who let their kids shoot gun. Should that not be allowed either? Or is it OK since you don't see a problem with it? It's the same thing in my book. As a parent, you have to make decisions you deem acceptable for your kids. There are risks involved in every activity. Kids motox, racing, shooting guns, cooking, football, boxing, mma, whatever... Everything had risks. It's not your job to decide what risks are acceptable for other people's kids.
  18. Seriously? It "pissed you off"? Why? Your kid? Your bike? Someone you know? No? Oh OK. Real awesome reason to be pissed. It has no affect on you what so ever. Disagree with it all you want, that's fine, you have an opinion. But to let something that has no affect on you and never will piss you off is just stupid to me. To each their own, but I kinda feel like people need to start worrying about themselves more often and stop worrying about what other people choose to do.
  19. I don't see a problem aside from lack of gear... Kid had fun, nobody got hurt, building great memories with his dad... The only gear I ever wore on my dad's bike was a 3/4 helmet and I turned out just fine.. Not sure what's with all the comments about the kid not having a chance, because I turned out just fine, and my dad was a great parent to me. Judge all you want, but it's his kid and his decision. It's not like it's hard to ride a cruiser in a straight line.
  20. guess who else were considered terrorists by masses? and look where we are now......idk about you guys (aside from Graeme), but I didn't eat tea and crumpits or whatever the fuck theyre eating in England right now for breakfast. God bless America and our patriots. The Fed needs to stop putting their nose where it does not belong. They are trying to control every single aspect of our lives, and people are finally getting sick of it.
  21. Until you get stuck in traffic
  22. agree if you wont be gaming #2 is fine. but dont get it with plans to upgrade the RAM - it doesnt say it is possible like the other two do (they mention a 16g max, meaning you can add memory - not sure if #2 has that option because it isnt mentioned...ive had laptops with non upgradeable components before)
  23. What is minimum distance to shoot from without shooting right through these things? My mom got me a crossbow last year, I've never shot it... Never shot any bow actually besides middle school... Not sure if I have room in my yard to setup targets or not (I have a block wall fence with no holes, so not worried about a backstop)
  24. You sure? Their website says 2013 only powersports.honda.com/racing/contingency.aspx?forcedesktop=true&redirected=true Again... Idk why the fuck my phone will never make click able links... But basically on their contingency plan page, it shows only 13/14 model year eligible for all bikes, and only 13 year of cbr250
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