Yep. This is 100 percent the fault of the parents. They moved their child into a known drug house. Police were in the home undercover and the baby was hidden away. No reason for them to expect there to be a baby there. Maybe if they were so worried about this baby, they should have found somewhere else to stay. I love how whenever police do anything, they're always to blame... Yea, some cops are fucking dishonest worthless piles of shit, but that doesn't mean every cop is, and doesn't mean everything a cop does is wrong. They had a no knock warrant, the door was barricaded (with a crib - not that they could tell what it was obviously), so they did what procedures dictated and tossed a flash bang. Fuck those parents and fuck the people living there. Start pointing the finger at the parents where it belongs. If it was up to me, I'd press charges against the parents of the child for the kids injuries.