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Steve Butters

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Everything posted by Steve Butters

  1. Well, it didnt take long Got my first ticket last week (first ticket ever on a bike at that, although ive been stopped plenty of times lol) The cop lit me up at 80 in a 65...no big deal, pulled over.....turns out he had actually followed me for 5 miles, and had on camera where i had a little too much fun in a big sweeping curve (107 in a 65, ouch...) He was a fellow rider and cut me a lot of slack....After telling me he could arrest me for criminal speeding, he gave me a ticket for following too closely. reckless op/aggressive driving is 8pts and 1yr license suspension out here....i lucked out lol...time to start easing up a little bit....also found out that highway patrol has an entire fleet of unmarked patrol cars....didnt know that before this lol...got stopped by an f150, and i actually saw a ford edge have someone pulled over later that night too $168 ticket, but i can take traffic school for $170 online and waive the points and fine ....so, i wont save any money, but i wont get any points which is nice
  2. Having just made that road trip, I can assure you it is not fun lol
  3. Cooter lives 40hrs away... I doubt he will be buying this car... My post was a joke.
  4. Same, up until I read your post lol
  5. i dont think he would have much use for blizzaks.....
  6. My ex had a horse.. It consumed their lives... Always cleaning up after it, fixing shit it tore up, feeding it, chasing it after it escaped from the fences..... Rode it for a few years then got bored of it and stopped... Then it became pretty much unrideable... Don't do it man, it may sound cool now, but you will regret it
  7. Shit, I'll stud the tires and race that bitch through Wayne. Not my bike :shrug:
  8. Pauly stick to your weird dirt bike thing... Don't want ya getting injured
  9. My comment was actually a joke. As for yours, lifting the door lock won't do anything if the vehicle is submerged in water.. Good luck opening the door with all that water pressure... I think their best bet would have been to lay back and kick out one of the side windows before it was fully submerged and then escaped through a window
  10. Should have dropped an elbow on the Window and broke it out.
  11. Lol when people call me Steve.
  12. I vaguely remember you talking about ditching this bitch on a hocking ride last September/October... It's been a year man lol, get the ball rolling
  13. No fucking way.... You need to drop that bitch quick, but if you're that much of a pushover already, you probably won't... Yikes
  14. Probably be an awesome bike for her.. Make sure she pays you before she rides it, then you won't get mad if she drops it lol
  15. id remove headlight and guages, put a new set of headers on it, and a stunt cage and just play around on this thing until it was unrideable lol
  16. Question 5 and 6: who gives a shit? And since when is it even your business what he's watching? Watching people smoke pot isn't illegal. Shit, there's a whole documentary about it 'Super High Me'.... You're a good dude and everything, and I don't dislike you at all, just seems like from a lot of your posts that you're so concerned with other people's lives... Just let it go, man... It's not your job to worry about everyone else... No offense and shit, obviously
  17. we're still talking about this shit? just let it die already. nobody truly gives a fuck about this case. people just wanna riot beause theyre ignorant and think theyre victims. nobody gives a damn about trayvons little stupid thug life ass, or zimmerman. anyone who thinks these problems are caused by this case, is a fucking idiot too. black people (at least the uneducated ignorant ones) will take any excuse they can to be the victim. trayvons death is an excuse for people to act like theyre the victim and get away with riots and other shit they probably wanted to do anyways, but now can do with less fear of getting in trouble. im so sick of hearing about this stupid shit.....everywhere you go, facebook, OR, break rooms at work, everyone is talking about this dumb shit. thats why its a big deal, because people make it a big deal. 17yr old black males die probably every hour in this country and nobody gives a shit. now this one kid dies and suddenly its omg the poor black community is being attacked by the white devil. next person i see talking about this shit in person, is getting a piece of my mind as well. the fucking trial is over and done. let it die.
  18. you need tires for that beast
  19. Wow, I'm the only bubby here who would have sat back and watched these little shits pummel each other? You guys disappoint.
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