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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. **Slight thread jack** Why do motorcycles still even have any adjustments at the axle? You're never going to it exactly straight. If Buell could design a fixed axle system that used a tensioner for a belt drive, why can't the same be done for a chain drive? Having the tension correct is far more important on a belt than a chain. This is what I miss most from my Buells. The axle was always perfectly straight, and tire changes were simple.
  2. In the photos the axle doesn't look exactly straight per the alighment marks. That could just be the camera angle. What tire pressure do you run? The left side should wear a 'little' faster due to roads being crowned, but not that much.
  3. I need something wall mountable that can hold 3-4 jackets, riding pants, and a few helmets. I am either going to mount it in the garage or maybe my home office. Who makes something like that?
  4. I would probably look for a used replacement on ebay instead of fixing a radiator.
  5. I've had Zero chance
  6. Have you been racing in NASCAR?
  7. Do a search for videos of the Peacock Mantis Shrimp preying on other creatures. It's not a peacock, a mantis, or even a shrimp...but it's a highly evelved predator.
  8. If I was the CDC driector, I would have swooped into Texas like the FBI and taken over the isolation protocol. Then patted myself on the back in gratiutous, nationally televised press conferences for months.
  9. I have to disagree. The CDC fucked this one up. They exist to deal with this shit. Where was their onsite presence and oversight? http://www.cnn.com/2014/10/16/opinion/vox-frieden-should-resign/index.html?hpt=hp_t3 -- This week Thomas Frieden, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, stepped up to the microphone and took responsibility for the worst mistake in Dallas' Ebola-stricken hospital: its utter lack of preparedness. After insisting for months that any U.S. hospital could handle an Ebola case by following CDC guidelines, Frieden now wishes he had provided Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital with the robust CDC clinical support team it desperately needed to care for Thomas Eric Duncan -- the first of three people to be diagnosed with Ebola on American soil.
  10. IMO, torque is only important on a cruiser becuse typically they redline so freaking low that the gearing has to be riduculously tall. You need torque to pull through the tall gears. OTOH, If you have a motor that revs over 7k (unlike most cruisers), you can have much more reasonable gearing. Like the new Indian Scout or this Kaw. For example my 600rr with 42 ft/lbs will pull much faster in 1st gear at low revs than any cruiser because of the gearing.
  11. Tpoppa

    God and Doctors

    My take is this: As I've stated before, I don't believe in such things. And that works well for me. You do, and that is clearly working well for you. I am completely cool with all of that. I see no problem whatsoever.
  12. Tpoppa

    God and Doctors

    Thanks for sharing. Do you mind explaining what you mean by this? Are you saying your living expenses changed? Less unplanned expenses?
  13. I'd like to see Honda bring back the Magna and use the V4 from the VFR1200.
  14. Probably more fun to ride than a lot of other cruisers.
  15. Just to be safe don't let anyone vomit in your asshole.
  16. First off, I hope you like hippies. The cost of living is high. Very high. A freind of mine just could not make ends meet there and had to move back to Ohio. He liked living there except for the cost. He made good money, too.
  17. I never thought the 999/749 was ugly. It just wasn't typical Ducati styling. If the same motorcycle was a Triumph, I'll bet the look would have been more accepted.
  18. Because she had helped care for Dallas Ebola patient Thomas Eric Duncan, this health care worker should not have traveled on a commercial airplane, CDC Director Tom Frieden said. At that point, health care workers were undergoing self-monitoring. They were allowed to travel but not on a commercial plane with other people, he said. ------------------------- I consider that criminally negligent.
  19. I am not prone to panic...not even a little. But get ready for widespread panic in Cleveland and Akron.
  20. I flew into Cleveland the same day. Not on Frontier though.
  21. In all seriousnees...what kind on irresponsible cunt treats an Ebola patient then gets on a plane? Why was she not held in quarantine for 96 hours after contact?
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