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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. ^^ No. Sales were quite poor. The spec sheet is not impressive, however the bike is.
  2. You don't think that's where all that money really went, right?
  3. I can provide financing...of course I'll need mad collateral.
  4. The nearly 600 lb VFR handles like a much lighter motorcycle. You'd never guess it weighs that much once in motion thanks to a really well designed chassis and low CoG. Still, in the back of my mind it seems wrong to stuff it into a tight 20-25 mph turn at speed and trust the front tire to grip. I keep expecting it to understeer even though it's never slipped at all . Overall I'm very happy I bought the VFR12. It's a MUCH more capable machine than the spec sheet indicates. I just need some more seat time to build confidence. Eventually it'll replace the CBR as my primary motorcycle.
  5. Why are flights still being allowed into the US from Ebola hot zones? Why are we sending US troops into Ebola hot zones?
  6. Save the money and use it as a down payment on a house. Have the reception in the backyard.
  7. It was cold in the AM, but a day of riding beats the alternative.
  8. Tpoppa

    Mango allergy

    I have a similar experience involving habaneros and the ex wife. Long story short...she spent a few hours sitting in the bathtub.
  9. Was there a Jim Beam presence in the house? Because I have witnessed the results of paranormal activity that was instigated by Jim.
  10. ^^ Is it possible that your dad was playing a trick on you? Because I would totally mess with my kid like that. btw, a scared animal can make all sorts of loud noises when in a panic.
  11. Tpoppa

    God and Doctors

    I never understood why abortion was such a hot button issue for Christians. I get that it's something unpleasant, but it's not like the bible spells is out as a sin or spells out when life begins. Also, calling young, scared teens "baby killers" isn't very love thy neighbor. Jumping on Turnone's post...homosexuality is pretty clearly spelled out as a sin in the bible. The new pope is about 1000 times more forward thinking than any previous pope and his message isn't exactly in favor of homosexuality (despite how his quotes are twisted in the media). His message is along lines of "love the sinner not the sin," or "let God judge not the church." He is inclined to include many that others would not. Being "anti gay" is an increasingingly unpopular sentiment today. Watching the church shift their position to stay relavant seems extremely hypocritical to me. I was raised that you need to believe the bible to be a Christian, all of it...not just the parts you happen to like. I don't, so I'm not.
  12. My brother once thought my old house was haunted because "a bunch of stuff " was turning on and off. "A bunch of stuff" turned out to be the TV, which was on a timer when I was out of town.
  13. The obvious explanation is you had had a small creature in the house that you weren't aware of. It was probably in the duct work that you took apart. This is even far more likely out in the country on land...and you were 12.
  14. Can't expalin = for sure ghosts
  15. I used to believe in ghosts...then I turned 6. Not a joke. True story.
  16. Wrong button that was supposed to be +1
  17. Casper believes in ghosts?
  18. Tpoppa

    God and Doctors

    Its strange that the rules set forth by a timeless supreme being would change based on pressure from current civil rights issues.
  19. The ride to the meet spot was cold as hell. There were still 3 brave souls. I rode about 400 miles for the day. Still need to figure out the vfr12, but it does pretty well in the twisties.
  20. So far there are 4 riders for sure. Post up if you plan to meet and where. Be on time.
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