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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. I'm sure the performance is amazing, and I like the colors...but that is not a good looking sportbike.
  2. What was that...something about shall not eat lobster at market price?
  3. Don't like the bible verses that say homosexuality is a sin? No problem, we'll ignore 'em. Don't like the story of creation? No worries, we'll just edit that shit out of the next version. Don't like when science conflicts with religion...our bad...we just remembered that God was super cool with science...expecially the parts that were considered blasphemy just 50 years ago. What was my point...oh yeah...God is eternal and never changing. What's the problem?
  4. By any chance are these in those little rubber fairing fasteners with the brass inserts? If loctite was used on the brass inserts, you pretty much need to destroy the fastener to remove it. Ask me how I know
  5. I agree. It seems like he is trying really hard to keep the church relevant in the face of overwhelming scientific information. But, in the process he is "watering down" many of the core principles of his religion. After that, what is actually left for believers to hang onto? Francis is the Bud Light of Popes.
  6. I find the latest statement by Pope Francis to be bizarre, “Evolution in nature is not inconsistent with the notion of creation, because evolution requires the creation of beings that evolve.” Well actually no it doesn't. The theory of Evolution certainly doesn't require a creator. There is no need for no intelligent design, that is one of the cornerstones of Evolution. So now the Pope wants to bundle Catholicism and Evolution together? OK, based on what exactly? The Big Bang, which the Pope now also believes, doesn't require a creator either: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2311168/Stephen-Hawking-says-The-Big-Bang-didnt-need-God-set-off.html I find Pope Francis to be a good person and smart too. However he seems to be a poor Catholic. Actually, he seems pretty hypocritical (as a Catholic). BTW, wasn't the Catholic church responsible for putting Galileo under house arrest for suggesting the sun was the center of the solar system and not the earth?
  7. Wasn't the I5 a version of the I6 in the Trailblazer/Envoy? The I6 in the TB was a good motor, one of the few relaible pieces of a Trailblazer.
  8. Tpoppa


    Rust shouldn't be a problem if it's actually stainless.
  9. This. I have too much pride to refer to myself as either a Republican or a Democrat. They are equally self serving and equally corrupt. Consider the economy, troops overseas, protection of rights of citizens, etc. The actions of both parties are 99% the same and 1% different. Of course that 1% is all you hear about come election time. Candidate Obama spoke endlessly about W. and blamed him for most everything...then continued many (most) of his policies. You have two groups that want to gain power and then to stay in control. Nothing more.
  10. Individual anecdotal accounts aside...most economic indicators show that rich people are better off than they were 6 years ago, while poor and middle class are not. That's pretty much the opposite of what candidate Obama said to those he convinced to vote for him. Much of the recovery has been on Wall Street, which is great if you happen to be heavily invested. Not much has "trickled down" to the 99%.
  11. This type of thinking is not obvious to people who get their news from the Daily Show or Colbert.
  12. That whole facility looks amazing...at least on TV.
  13. ^^ If I had a bigger garage who knows how many would be in there.
  14. She seems very smart and interesting, too.
  15. Has anyone used these, or a similar product? Any issues with fit or quality? http://www.revzilla.com/motorcycle/bike-master-90-degree-valve-stems
  16. I believe we were 4 minutes late to the Marathon in McConnelsville. I like the VFR, but still getting used to it. It takes more effort to throw it into curves compared to the CBR, but it has a lot of potential. Previous owner put the wrong size rear tire on it (190/50, should have been a 190/55). The steering effort should be reduced after I get the right tire on it. BTW, I'll be selling a 190/50 Angel GT with lots of life left if anyone is interested
  17. Odd that the Federal government has issue with local government violating civil rights. See Patroit Act.
  18. Tpoppa

    Bent rim?

    jschaf had to have a rim fixed. Send him a PM.
  19. Your opinion has outgrown your grasp of facts. If it wasn't for the NRA...you'd have a 30+ day waiting period to buy heavily taxed, single-shot only, firearms...after you paid for your own background check and registered them with local and national authorities. That is if you were able to purchase them at all. Politicing and lobbying in Washington is a dirty game. The NRA is your only friend when it comes to playing that dirty game for gun rights.
  20. If you are pro gun, but somehow anti NRA...then you are sorely and completely confused.
  21. Verify all suspension settings.
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