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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. I see this http://tinyurl.com/2g9mqh
  2. The weather is starting to look a little better.
  3. The cop probably planted some drugs on the K9 and said it was self defense. Standard department proceedure, right?
  4. If I was in the market for a trak bike, I'd snap this up.
  5. The weather isn't looking great so far.
  6. I once said F it and quit a job because management made some terrible decisions that chased off some clients and cost the company losses in the 8 figure range. I let them know I left because they were morons. I didn't even look for a job for 6 months.
  7. Even if you don't want kids, I'll bet you'll want someone to take care of you when you're old and feeble.
  8. 8 more years. I'm retiring at 50. Maybe I'll be a slumlord after that.
  9. I dislike (most) unions because I would like the economy to improve.
  10. http://www.cdc.gov/vhf/ebola/transmission/qas.html Although coughing and sneezing are not common symptoms of Ebola, if a symptomatic patient with Ebola coughs or sneezes on someone, and saliva or mucus come into contact with that person’s eyes, nose or mouth, these fluids may transmit the disease.
  11. My guess is that's why it closed.
  12. Without watching that video, what is the draw to staying small? If you buy smart, bigger doesn't have to be more expensive. I upgraded from an 1100 sq/ft house to one that was about 2.5 time bigger and much newer. My total expenses are up about $100/month and that includes utilities. I'll gladly pay $100/month just to be in a better school system. Red, a great way to save $$ is to stop paying taxes in stupid Cuyahoga County Also, wouldn't staying small limit the equity in your home for when you retire?
  13. [brings all the boys to the yard]
  14. If I could pick one symbol to unite people that make poor financial decisions, it would be this: You'll find them in line and they really need their daily $6 coffee at just a 98% markup. Sorta kidding, but not really. This might be a close 2nd
  15. Everyone with a FJR seems to be happy with them. It was on my list, but before I could ride one a VFR1200 followed me home.
  16. Haven't watched the tiny house thing, but I know people that have "minimized" to the extreme. It's not for me. You only live once and I'm going to enjoy myself, but I'll do it wisely. I HATE HATE HATE financial pressure, and live a lifestyle that avoids it as best as possible. The best suggestions I can make are: 1. Living within your means is far more useful than making more money. I know people that make well into 6 figures and live paycheck to paycheck. I also know people that make under 40k and paid their house off years early. 2. Never buy anything on credit, except a house and possibly a car. I haven't had a credit card in 6 or 7 years, it was cancelled by the bank becuase it wasn't used for 5 years before that. 3. Have 12 months worth of bills in an account and consider it to be "untouchable." It's easier to do this when you can reduce your monthly overhead. My goal is to work to prevent boredom, rather than because I have to. I'm still a few years away from that, but it's part of the plan. No one's dying thoughts have ever been that they should have spent more time at work.
  17. Sure, ask the thousands of people who went on vacation and never came home. You'll find them around every ski resort in the Rockies, near any decent beach, or pretty much any worthwhile destination. Or this:
  18. Honestly, when were there not double standards in regard to sex in the US or any other country for that matter?
  19. How dare those women give that 16 y/o boy one of the best nights of his life...the horror.
  20. The intersection of 83/93 (Otsego) can be a secondary meet spot. We've done that before to pick up riders coming from the far east. If we leave Millersburg at 8:30, we should make it to 83/93 9:15ish. This will just be a quick stop if anyone wants to meet there.
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