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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. Yes, exactly. The pavement on 536 is pretty chewed up. There are lots of rough, gravely looking patches that cover the outside of the lane. At first I thought I was 'wandering' over the patches. By the end I was bouncing and sliding all over. I was kind of expecting to see a cracked swing arm, so the flat tire didn't seem so bad.
  2. I was riding 536 yesterday and my handling was going away quickly. By the end I was sliding all over the road. I pulled over to inspect the bike and found a puncture in my rear tire. Rear PSI was down to 12 lbs. This 12v Slime mini compressor is bad ass. It weighs about 2 lbs and fits in a tank or tail bag. It will plug into a Battery Tender lead or clip onto battery terminals. It inflates a tire in about 3 minutes. I always travel with this compressor and a tire plug kit. I never had to use it until yesterday. It came in really handy, especially since I was 200 miles from home.
  3. ^^ I have a 7 month old and a 5 year old. My riding is pretty much limited to 1 day a week. But that 1 day is 4-500 miles.
  4. I can't stand when bikes sit. They want to be ridden. I ride 10-12k a year. I work from home so my commute is 0 miles. 95% of my riding is SEO & WV runs.
  5. Post your symptoms on bad weather bikers. It will be quickly diagnosed.
  6. After being out of that situation, do you know why he was abusive? Was he abused? Were there mental reasons? Just a dick?
  7. At what point did they talk to you about it?
  8. Keep in mind, I could be completely wrong. I'll talk to her and get a better feel.
  9. This is most likely what I am going to do. I am good at reading people even if they aren't willing/able to tell the truth. I am typically compelled to do something rather, do nothing and regret it. Once I (correctly) had to call out a former friend for lying about having cancer. He was accepting all sorts of charitable donations form friends, family, and coworkers...and it was all bullshit. I could only go on a gut feeling, but how can you prove someone doesn't have cancer?
  10. I think it does. I think the good ole' boys network would make sure there was no record of the report, unless there was something severe or obvious. And if my suspicion is correct, I think it would get taken out on her.
  11. I would have already done something if I knew for certain. I don't. So the question is how certain would you need to be? Also, would it change your opinion if the man is question happens to be a cop?
  12. If you suspected domestic violence was occuring, what would you do? In this hypothetical, these are not family or close friends, more aquaintences. And I don't 'know' anything, but I have a suspicion.
  13. On my 2010 600RR, the lights go on with the key not the starter. Sounds like a relay to me.
  14. But he said it wasn't a tax when he was selling it to the American people
  15. This article is based in sheer stupidity. The headline is intentionally misleading. First off the overwhelming majority of 401k plans don't offer investments is any particular stocks other than the employer itself. Pretty much all 401k plans offer options like 2020, 2030 mutual funds or index funds which pretty much span all sectors of the stock market...tech, pharm, energy, medical, manufacturing, etc. That is what is offered by 401k plan vendors like Fidelity, T Rowe Price, etc, etc. This notion of being hyprocritical by going with the plans provided by a 401k vendor is well...stupid. If you invest in a Manufacturing mutual fund that literally touches thousands and thousands of products, does that mean you are aware and support all of them? Hell no.
  16. That is true to a degree. I don't think RR or Clinton would have topped the list...maybe when Lewisnsky was still on the front page. The only thing that kind of surprised me in that article is that W already is less disliked than Barry O.
  17. http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2014/07/02/who-is-the-worst-president-since-wwii/?hpt=hp_t4
  18. The days of a badge automatically commanding genuine respect are over. You can thank your local militarized police force for that. Kicking a cop is never going to end well.
  19. Next time you're near Elkins you need to ride the WV33 mountain pass into VA. It's one of the best stretches of asphalt anywhere
  20. I have a pair of BILT moisture wicking warm weather pants (think knock off Under Armor). They seem to work OK, but they do show wear after going through the washing machine a few times. They'll be fine for a season, possibly 2. I think they cost me 20 bucks.
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