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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. I'll try. In the mean time can you track down the sources of the funding for their research?
  2. Climate Change has naturally occurred many, many, many times long before mankind existed. I think man's impact on climate is poorly understood and highly overestimated. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/earth/cause-ice-age.html
  3. Ahhh, John Stewart. The sole source of news for thousands of idiots everywhere. Climate Change is all about saving the Polar Bears. You know a subspecies of Grizzly Bear whose evolution was triggered in the first place by...um...Climate Change...wait, what?
  4. After a cold winter is Global Warming now called Climate Change? If we have a hot summer will it be Global Warming again?
  5. Way to kill the thread with a well thought out statement
  6. Not Catholic, but I think the new Pope is pretty interesting. While I assume this AP story is accurate...lot's of his statements are widely misrepresented by various media outlets.
  7. Sounds interesting, except they seem to ship from China or Hong Kong. I have had bad luck buying stuff from there.
  8. I welcome our new overlords. The gotta be better than the ones we have today.
  9. I don't need anything too fancy, just for recording some shenanigans on curvy backroads.
  10. For me there is just something wrong with trailering past tons of good twisties to get to good twisties.
  11. Wednesdays are a great day to ride through the Valley because most the bike traffic and attention is at bike night
  12. Does this help? https://www.woodcraft-cfm.com/cgi-bin/commerce.cgi?preadd=action&key=13-0100BE
  13. I know a few that have cancelled and just use Netflix.
  14. Remember this when you're loading up your trailer queens
  15. Riding fast for many hundreds of miles in a day lowers my stress level. I highly recommend.
  16. I am riding there 5/29 on a CBR. Our route there is about 600 miles. I'll let you know how it goes.
  17. The BMW is a cool bike and fast, too. But it isn't for sure a better bike than your Z. Tough one.
  18. It got totaled by insurance because of a dent/scratch on the frame, right? You could take it to a shop to get the frame inspected, or better yet have the seller do it. Either way you could get a receipt that says frame inspection 'Pass.' That would help get it plated. If the frame has any serious structural damage, you probably don't want it anyway.
  19. It depends on the inspector you get. Some will pass anything with two wheels and a motor. Others will want to go over every little thing. I think you'd be able to get it plated, but I would plan on some red tape.
  20. When police say safety then mean revenue. Specifically, they mean revenue to keep paying police officers. This is a conflict of interest. Revenue increases are supposed to be approved by voters. If voters don't approve and there isn't enough $$ to pay all the police, then fire some. If a community becomes under served maybe the voters will approve the next one. http://www.cleveland.com/tipoff/index.ssf/2013/08/linndale_the_tiny_village_know.html "Still, the ticket money is the village's single biggest source of revenue."
  21. Intrastate can be a crap shoot. I sold a bike that was rebuilt salvage (it was an insurance recovery not even wrecked) that was already inspected by OSHP, registered, and plated in Ohio. The guy that bought it lived in Maine. Maine treated it like a salvage and wouldn't issue plates. He had to jump though all kinds of hoops. He had to get paperwork sent from OSHP and get it reinspected in Maine. It took him like 3 months to get plates
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