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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. We can always do another park ride. I love talking cornering technique
  2. Doesn't this disprove much the the gun control lobby's claims? Specifically, availability of guns = crime. Switzerland issues every adult a gun and trains them how to use it: Switzerland has lowest gun-related crime rate in the civilized world. http://www.snopes.com/politics/guns/switzerland.asp Much of the gun control talk is driven by fear of the unknown. Many people just fear what they don't understand...it's human nature. Everyone is trained on firearms in Switzerland, so the fear goes away. According to the statistics so does most of the crime. I really like the idea of mandatory training.
  3. I recall some saying about guns being outlawed...and outlaws carrying guns.
  4. Saw this online...can't swear it's accurate, but still interesting. WORLD MURDER STATISTICS (According to the Works Health Organization) Murders per 100,000 citizens per year. Honduras 91.6 (WOW!!) El Salvador 69.2 Cote d'lvoire aks Ivory Coast 56.9 Jamaica 52.2 Venezuela 45.1 Belize 41.4 US Virgin Islands 39.2 Guatemala 38.5 Saint Kitts and Nevis 38.2 Zambia 38.0 Uganda 36.3 Malawi 36.0 Lesotho 35.2 Trinidad and Tobago 35.2 Colombia 33.4 South Africa 31.8 Congo 30.8 Central African Republic 29.3 Bahamas 27.4 Puerto Rico 26.2 Saint Lucia 25.2 Dominican Republic 25.0 Tanzania 24.5 Sudan 24.2 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 22.9 Ethiopia 22.5 Guinea 22.5 Dominica 22.1 Burundi 21.7 Democratic Republic of the Congo 21.7 Panama 21.6 Brazil 21.0 Equatorial Guinea 20.7 Guinea-Bissau 20.2 Kenya 20.1 Kyrgyzstan 20.1 Cameroon 19.7 Montserrat 19.7 Greenland 19.2 Angola 19.0 Guyana 18.6 Burkina Faso 18.0 Eritrea 17.8 Namibia 17.2 Rwanda 17.1 Mexico 16.9 Chad 15.8 Ghana 15.7 Ecuador 15.2 North Korea 15.2 Benin 15.1 Sierra Leone 14.9 Mauritania 14.7 Botswana 14.5 Zimbabwe 14.3 Gabon 13.8 Nicaragua 13.6 French Guiana 13.3 Papua New Guinea 13.0 Swaziland 12.9 Bermuda 12.3 Comoros 12.2 Nigeria 12.2 Cape Verde 11.6 Grenada 11.5 Paraguay 11.5 Barbados 11.3 Togo 10.9 Gambia 10.8 Peru 10.8 Myanmar 10.2 Russia 10.2 Liberia 10.1 Costa Rica 10.0 Nauru 9.8 Bolivia 8.9 Mozambique 8.8 Kazakhstan 8.8 Senegal 8.7 Turks and Caicos Islands 8.7 Mongolia 8.7 British Virgin Islands 8.6 Cayman Islands 8.4 Seychelles 8.3 Madagascar 8.1 Indonesia 8.1 Mali 8.0 Pakistan 7.8 Moldova 7.5 Kiribati 7.3 Guadeloupe 7.0 Haiti 6.9 Timor-Leste 6.9 Anguilla 6.8 Antigua and Barbuda 6.8 Lithuania 6.6 Uruguay 5.9 Philippines 5.4 Ukraine 5.2 Estonia 5.2 Cuba 5.0 Belarus 4.9 Thailand 4.8 Suriname 4.6 Laos 4.6 Georgia 4.3 Martinique 4.2 And ............................................ The United States 4.2 ALL (109) of the countries above the US of A have 100% gun bans. It might be of interest to note that SWITZERLAND is not shown on this list because it has: NO MURDER OCCURRENCE! However, SWITZERLAND'S law requires that EVERY ADULT MALE: 1. Be issued a gun. 2. Be trained in its use. 3. Maintain Marksman qualifications.... regularly.
  5. oh...have the same conversation at the next gas stop. I pretty much learned to ride by picking the brains of veteran riders at gas stops
  6. For your situation(I haven't actually seen you ride)....3 things, 2 have already been mentioned: 1. Counter Steering. You are already doing this, or you wouldn't be able to turn. But be aware of it, and consciously start your turns with counter steering. 2. Look as far ahead as possible. To say it another way, look as far through the corner as possible. As Derek said, this will 'slow things down' and give you more time to react. 3. Turn your head and shoulders in the direction you are turning. Even exaggerate it. This will force you into a 'decent' body position, and eliminate the chances of being 'crossed up.' Go on a solo ride on a nice curvy piece of asphalt. Try all of these 1 at a time. When you feel comfortable with each, do them all together. Focus on smoothly gliding through corners...next thing you know you'll be riding faster & safer. There is obviously more to cornering technique than this, but these 3 things will give you a really good foundation to build on.
  7. Do you mean a brand new rider? Personally, I don't think groups rides are great for brand new riders. I think they can add pressure and more variables than a brand new rider needs. If a rider has a least a few thousand miles under their belt, there needs to be some discussion of cornering technique. Counter steering is a good place to start.
  8. I've logged many miles chasing that very same 900SS through SEO when I was a young(er) buck.
  9. Offering advice in a situation like that is necessary. The rider with either take it the right way or he/she won't. I've seen it go both ways. Good on this guy for listening. I've seen too many others that haven't & wound up on the ground. I was lucky enough to ride with some seriously skilled riders when I was new to spirited, group riding. I picked their brains regularly. It made me a much smoother, safer, and quicker rider.
  10. Based on this, I would say no. www.handgunlaw.us/documents/Condensed_Guide_to_Ohio_CCW.pdf (1) If the person is stopped for a law enforcement purpose and is carrying a concealed handgun, fail to promptly inform any law enforcement officer who approaches the person after the person has been stopped that the person has been issued a concealed handgun license and that the person then is carrying a concealed handgun; Note that you must be armed for the notification requirement to apply. Many mistakenly believe that mere possession of the license means that you must notify, but that is not true. You must also be stopped for a law enforcement purpose. Simply saying hello or engaging a police officer in a conversation, even about legal topics, does not activate the notification requirement. Being stopped for a law enforcement purpose means that there is a criminal act or investigation ongoing that you are a party to, not necessarily the perpetrator. You may simply be a potential witness or innocent bystander caught up in a crime scene. In certain circumstances, officers may also sometimes question citizens to determine if a crime has been committed. That also would be a law enforcement purpose. However, simple casual encounters with law enforcement officers do not equate to being stopped for a law enforcement purpose. But, if in doubt, you may certainly notify to be on the safe side if you so desire. Many concealed carriers notify regularly simply as what they deem a matter of courtesy, and to prevent misunderstandings.
  11. I would join in the fun but Saturday is my son's birthday party.
  12. That article has an electric cruiser. I guess I never thought about it before, but I can't see a silent motorcycle catching on with cruiser crowd. The battery would also need to power amps and speakers to make exhaust sounds, right?
  13. What will be replacing it?
  14. Any decision that results in a nice long day of riding is prudent in my book
  15. Tpoppa


    sneaky bastards.
  16. CLE are the NBA champions...................................of the draft lottery.
  17. When there's no traffic, that ramp is a nice sweeper that begs for triple digits I typically don't reach those speeds on group rides. Corner speed will be as fast as confidence and common sense allow, straight line speed won't be the focus. Roads will be twisty and fun. As always: Keeping upright > Keeping up
  18. Someone needs to explain this shit!
  19. It's no secret that the media has a liberal bias. It just needs to be presented correctly for the media to latch on. 2 gun owners thwart crime = liberal media has no interest. 2 men (no mention of guns) support abortion in the 105th trimester = liberal media would cover it Now if the 2 men wer gay and making out at the time = 24 hour coverage and be considered "Breaking News" on CNN.com
  20. I won't be at the OR trip...well probably not. I'll be there next week.
  21. Agree. It would almost have to be a standard battery pack to work.
  22. I am curious how the infrastructure for recharging electric cars and motorcycles is going to evolve...or if it will. Electric seems like it would work for short commuting. Logistically, how would you take a long trip in an electric, non-hybrid, vehicle? Rechrging seems impractical due to time. You would almost need a 'battery swap' station to get new electrons and be quickly back on the road.
  23. Never been there before...what are the 'must ride' roads that are within a day's ride of Deal's Gap?
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