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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. The way I read this is someone used fear to get you to basically give up on rights we are entitled. I am afraid I can't support that.
  2. If you know it's 10lbs off can't you still use it?
  3. http://www.viberider.com/
  4. Make it an overnight and stay here (hocking): http://www.getaway-cabins.com/special_occasions.htm That would break the ride time in half over 2 days, which might be good unless she is OK with a lot of hours on the bike.
  5. What the cop is doing might not be illegal, and even if it was he's unlikely to get in any trouble. ...but it's a huge violation of one of the main concepts behind the bill of rights and to a lesser extent the constitution. Those who created those principles were trying very hard to prevent the gov't and police from poking their nose into your business unless they had a damn good reason that they could prove in court. By your logic, why not eliminate the 4th Amendment entirely? If they could search and seize at will, they could probably find a reason to arrest someone, right? So why not?.. because those that were willing to fight for freedom found it intolerable.
  6. ^^ EXO 400 and EXO 500 fit very differently. I have both. I ordered the 500 without trying it on. Initially I hated the fit, but it broke in to be just about right..
  7. Sounds fair. I think I'll give it a try.
  8. I can lead, or sweep, or whatever...prefer fast.
  9. I always liked the look of these. The spikes don't really go with the Moto GP scheme, but they are easily removable.
  10. Leave them in the closet if you want it to stay clean. I kinda like when gear looks like it's been well used.
  11. ...so now you believe in God?
  12. Tpoppa

    2006 600rr

    I didn't know platic dip is easily removed. If thats the case you'll probably sell it quicker if it looks stock...IMO
  13. What does a rental cost?
  14. With my always changing responsibilities I went from....completely impossible to get away...to I think I can make it...to not gonna happen. We'll see how it looks next week.
  15. NIce bike. I have a 2010 in the same colors.
  16. Do all girls from California know about Italian sportbikes? If so I may need to move there.
  17. ^^ Not sure. It says on the HB site. I would use the measurements in the Helibar instructions, because they probably only clear the fairing by a couple mm and will still use the stock cables and lines. Woodcraft might require new lines or cables.
  18. They used to make Helibars for your CBR. You might be able to still find them somewhere. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CCYQFjAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.helibars.com%2Fsites%2Fdefault%2Ffiles%2Finstall_instructions%2FTS1700.pdf&ei=y01hU6yAGdWtyASb9oHYCw&usg=AFQjCNEfThqhf62j8vLY8krdHdwtXpcqkA&bvm=bv.65636070,d.aWw
  19. Pretty sure Woodcraft makes risers for yours.
  20. Everyone should know the route in case someone gets separated, but that sounds like it would turn into a huge, unorganized cluster.
  21. IMO, everyone in the fast group should be capable of leading or sweeping. All I'm saying is I haven't ridden those roads before. So some Fast riders might be expecting to ride at Mach Retard pace, and I might only be at Mach Moron
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