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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. None of the stock Buell XB seats were exactly awesome. IMO, the standard seat is more comfortable than the CX seat. The CX seat is taller, but felt mushy...it was annoying on longer rides. The Buell Select seat is pretty nice, Corbins are even better. Sometimes they show up on fleabay. btw, I rode about 50k on two Buell XB9S(x), most of that was on a Corbin
  2. Have you looked into Helibars? I can sport tour on my CBR with them. btw, I really dig the S1000R naked
  3. I'd volunteer, but I haven't ridden these roads before. It would be a "quick scouting" pace which might not be everyone's idea of fast.
  4. That's insensitive to Deceased Americans.
  5. ^^ 45-50 is good enough. That's what I was wondering.
  6. I always wave to Amish buggy's and female walkers & joggers.
  7. What kind of speeds do these reach?
  8. I need to find an XD9 4." I should never have traded mine.
  9. Tpoppa

    NEO Sun 4/27

    Helibars make the cbr a lot better suited for long days in the saddle.
  10. Tpoppa

    NEO Sun 4/27

    Right on. Some of those roads got pretty beat up over the winter but it's still good to get out and hit a few corners.
  11. This the best new bike you can get for 10k. MSRP is $9,999.
  12. Tpoppa

    NEO Sun 4/27

    I'll probably be riding through the valley around noon.
  13. Tell them you're the original owner. Even if there isn't a recall it could be a known issue. I'd talk to as many people as I could in Suzuki customer service. It never hurts to ask.
  14. I would talk to a regional suzuki rep and see what they suggest.
  15. You shouldn't play with your food. But it's just cruel to make them pose in a tortilla shell
  16. Imagine you and your wife trying to agree on something. Now imagine trying to agree with 2 wives, who probably disagree with each other except for the part where they both blame you. It would bring down braver men than you and I
  17. You have delicate, sexy feet so you get a free pass. I am just not trying to look at any hairy caveman feet...put that shit in some shoes, bro.
  18. Divorce rates are higher for polygamists. I'm sure that's not a surprise for anyone who is currently married or has gone through a divorce. Also, there seems to be pretty widespread welfare abuse among polygamists. Using Utah as an example...the state recognizes 1 legal marraige, leaving the rest to claim they are single parents and collect welfare. I wonder if Utah regognized more than 1 legal marriage, and effectively eliminated the welfare loophole, if there would be more or less polygamist marriages. I don't really have a 'dog' in this fight, other than I don't like paying for welfare abuse.
  19. Dog dressers annoy the shit out of me and I can't really expain why I'm sure poor people in 3rd world countries that can barely afford clothes would appreciate that photo.
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