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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. Hmmm, if anything I'll class it up a bit...I've been to Fuzzy's. Hoping for rock bottom before I buy.
  2. Still looking...90% sure I'll land in N.R. in the next 6 months.
  3. Pretty sure I was looking at houses in that neighborhood.
  4. Practice...We talkin' bout practice?
  5. Not a fan of Dunlops period. PR2 has plenty of grip to drag toes and knees and lasts longer than the Conti road attack which is also a good choice.
  6. Cool. Who is the new sponsor? I really want to se a twin on the podium this year.
  7. So...Fillmore is on the entry list for Daytona, riding for KTM/HMC Racing. Did something change with KTM or is this the only race of the year? Also, 3 EBR 1190RS are in the field, 2 of those have sponsorship from EBR's new business partner, Hero. Still no 1199s on the entry list http://www.amaproracing.com/rr/events/entrylist.cfm?year=2012&eid=2012011205
  8. This isn't a school problem, or a teacher problem. This was a premeditated shooting by a kid with a screw loose. You could post SWAT teams in every classroom and it wouldn't make any difference. If this kid wanted to shoot those spcific victims badly enough he could have done it in the parking lot before school, or any number of places. Suggesting weapons training for teachers is missing the point. If you want teachers to take training how about recognizing and dealing with troubled kids.
  9. Teachers with guns is a terrible idea. Even if you sprinkle in some training.
  10. This is a rare, terrible occurrence. I don't think that arming teachers is an anyway a good idea. A nervous teacher aiming at a target within a group of kids is going to end badly. An armed gaurd or LTL measures are far more likely, even though still not a great idea.
  11. I think an armed guard would be FAR, FAR more likely than any school ever authorizing a teacher to carry a gun.
  12. http://vimeo.com/17061982
  13. I have a feeling that being bullied in prison is going to be much worse that being bullied in high school.
  14. Did the gun belong to his parents' or did it come from somewhere else?
  15. Cool...and hoping for an early start to the SEO riding season.
  16. Is Duc going to race the Panigale in WSBK?
  17. Put some alcohol on it and try again.
  18. Sold that a long time ago...never even fired it.
  19. I have 5 .22s pistols (at the moment) of differernt styles. I must have gotten a good one, because my 22S is just silly accurate. It has a fantastic and very broken in factory trigger. Still want the 41 though. I plan to shoot this weekend, but prolly Saturday.
  20. I dig .22 pistols. My next one will probably be a S&W 41, but I like the Hammerli too.
  21. How does the Hammerli shoot? Better than the Browning? I've handled a Hammereli, but never fired one.
  22. The Sparx S-07 is a really good helmet that can be found cheap. It's ECE certified which is motorcycle specific and approved for AMA & FIM racing. I've used one for the last 2 seasons and it's held up well. I actually just bought another of eBay becuase it was dirt cheap. They are very light. Ventalation is average.
  23. There will be crazy floods when all that snow melts.
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