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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. Perhaps joepa had something in common with the pope http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uxPCxvxzujo
  2. 99% of the time Jeffrey Dahmer wasn't murdering a anyone. But for some reason people think of him as a murderer #whatthefuck
  3. This. Without football??? How about he only made it 3 months living with the shame of his deepest, darkest secret being in the headlines. He claimed to someone who helped kids, yet when kids needed his help the most he did absolutely fucking nothing. That is what you call a defining moment
  4. Don't confuse the NCAA or Penn State football with a charity. Penn State didn't give football scholorships to help out troubled kids. The football program was a huge money making machine http://espn.go.com/blog/bigten/post/_/id/41931/penn-state-is-b1gs-most-valuable-team There was a football type charity in that area though. I think it was run by a guy named Jerry...
  5. This notion of JoePa turning out good young men is silly. Sorry, but that is a parent's job. Lots of good young men have turned out just fine without involvement in college football. If you REALLY believe that, you are highly overestimating the impact of a football coach. I'm sure he did many good things, but by covering up and failing to take action, he was complicit in allowing quite a few kids to get put in harms way by a serial pedophile. That is not the stuff of a 'great man' in my book. The fact is that the football program generated TONS of cash for Penn State. And at some point it was decided that preventing the disruption of TONS of cash flowing into Penn State was more important than the well being of children. If the day comes when we need to rely on football coaches to turn out good men, we are absolutely fucked as a county.
  6. It sucks that he died. Popular coach or not, he deserved to be fired. Lots of things are more important than football.
  7. I must be the only one that likes Sigmas. I am just as accurate with my Sigma as with my Glock or my M&P. Shooting a DAO, which is what a Sigma trigger feels like, is just a different skill.
  8. Tpoppa

    Who invests?

    Socking money away isn't the issue. I have my 401k maxed out to the federal limit. Aside from a garage full of motorcycle crap, I live within my means. I was using a big name potfolio advisory service (dropped them) to manage one of my accounts, but it was doing much worse than another account I manage myself. And I and really don't know what I'm doing. That's why I was asking for specific funds to look at.
  9. Tpoppa

    Who invests?

    I've been tracking asian short sales.
  10. Tpoppa

    Who invests?

    I am starting to pay more attention to retirement planning. I have some pennies in various retirement accounts, but I doubt it's invested as wisely as possible. Are there any funds or stocks that you feel strongly about?
  11. This is how I view an OCC theme bike. Probably took a lot of time and effort, but essentially useless.
  12. So what is the deal with him? All I know is what I see on TV. He races hard, loves to win, and frequently bulldozes Herrin out of his way. Is he a dick? or a drunk? or just has some growing up left to do?
  13. Too bad. Nothing against Suzukis and Yamahas, but it would be nice to see something other than Suzukis and Yamahas
  14. So, is anyone riding the KTM in AMA this season?
  15. Taylor Knapp was running pretty much the same lap times as May on what I recall was a borrowed 1190rs streetbike. Even as team mates sharing data, I'll be surprised if May can run with Eslick.
  16. Right, but if the State of OH said, for 2012 deer season is all year long, you can use any weapon, hunt any deer, and do it anywhere you want. No license required. How many deer would be left in OH?
  17. I would be really surprised if either the 1190RS or the KTM will be 'too fast for the field.' I'm just hoping to see a twin in the mix for podiums. I would really like to see the EBR do well because it's American (well, more American than any other bike in the feild). I thought Fillmore was doing a great job last year, until he had the crash. May is super talented, but I'm not so sure if he is good enough for AMA podiums. I like Eslick's style more each time I see him push Herrin off his line.
  18. This should be interesting. By all accounts the EBR 1190RS has the speed to race at this level, but Geoff May just hasn't been able to compete with the top 5. Eslick is the real deal. No more excuses. This could make or break EBR.
  19. While racism and descrimation do exist, I think these words are used too frequently and in some cases irresponsibly. The worst example I can recall was the rant where Bryant Gumble referred to David Stern as a 'Plantation Owner' and the NBA players as the boys on the plantation. I think Bryant Gumble and some NBA players could use some education on the lifestyle of those who really worked on a plantation. They weren't primadonas driving Bentleys.
  20. The 2003 blackout? I sat in my front yard on a lawn chair and crushed beers.
  21. Some interesting thoughts in this thread. It sort of reminds me the sentiment behind the 1950's bomb shelters. Of course the threat was different in those days, but the idea of preparing your family was similar. http://youtu.be/WD0vV9xrC14
  22. That is a true statement for the most part. It's application, however, would be pretty limited. Like maybe WW2 Europe, where outside forces detroyed the infrastructure and consumed all the food, water, and fuel that was available. I have more guns than I will ever need, mainly because...well guns are cool There is a small chance that I will need 1 of them to defend my home someday. A slightly greater chance that I will need a weapon at a business I own in a questionalbe neighborhood. There have been a couple times I was happy to have a CCW on rides in deep/dark WV. Beyond that, I have trouble picturing a scenario where I would need more than a pistol and a mag or 2.
  23. Honestly, that is probably the best reason I've heard for stockpiling ammo. I also enjoy shooting for the the stress relief. For other scenarios, it would seem that storing food and water would be far more useful.
  24. Those are probably the most likely scenarios where you could need a firearm to defend yourself or your family. But that's a far cry from needing a cache of weapons a thousands of round of ammo.
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