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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. Few people understand the psychology of dealing with a highway traffic cop. A normal speeder will panic and immediately pull over to the side. This is wrong. It arouses contempt in the cop heart. Make the bastard chase you. He will follow. But he won't know what to make of your blinker signal that says you are about to turn right. This is to let him know you're pulling off for a proper place to talk. It will take him a moment to realize that he's about to make a 180 degree turn at speed, but you will be ready for it. Brace for the g's, and fast heel-toe work. There was madness in any direction, at any hour. You could strike sparks anywhere. There was a fantastic universal sense that whatever we were doing was right, that we were winning. Step right up and shoot the pasties off the nipples of a ten foot bull dyke! Win a cotton candy goat! Let's get down to brass tacks. How much for the ape? As your attorney, I advise you to take a hit out of the little brown bottle in my shaving kit. You won't need much, just a tiny taste.
  2. Weren't some HD sales techniques leaked last year? Like having a hot chick start chatting you up, by coincidence, at the place the sales person told you to stop for gas on the demo ride?
  3. I'd throw my SV1K into the mix, even though it's an 03, but I'm not ready to sell that just yet. And I already have 3 people that have called dibs if/when I do sell.
  4. This thread = Fail. Other than being twins and having 2 wheels, not really much compares. The companies couldn't be any more different.
  5. Not a lot of good could come from having these in the hands of civilians.
  6. We used incendiary rounds in the USMC. Are these available to civilians?
  7. She should post it on Badweb. It'll get interest there. If I didn't have 2 twins already...
  8. What is payoff? A HD dealer is going to rob here on tradin on a Buell these days. Unless they give her a 'fair trade' but make it up somewhere else in the deal.
  9. Guess who helped design the NOVA? EB
  10. Of all the Buells, the older tube frame models are the ones that seem to have some collector value. Few were made and quite a few were hacked up for chopper projects. The S3 is a cool bike...but HD is the ONLY source of parts, which is spotty at best. The new Buell company (EBR) makes some race parts for XBs and 1125s, but they do not have OEM replacement parts.
  11. I would totally dress like Boss Hogg if I had a Cadillac convertable.
  12. I've had similair conversations. At some point, I ususally mention that I've ridden horses a handful of times and never felt obligated to dress like a cowboy.
  13. Liquid cooled heads have been aroud for a while. It's a way to get a little more performance, while still looking like an air cooled motor. Curious if HD will ever actually produce this.
  14. btw, I like a girl that cuts to the chase
  15. Good bike and a pretty good price. Since it's at a pawn shop I would be interested to know the history of the bike. I'd have a mechanic go over it to make sure someone didn't pawn a bike with problems.
  16. At street operating temps, the PR2 has nearly the grip of the Corsa III I had previously. That difference would likely be more noticeable on a track. The biggest difference I felt was the turn in. The PR2 has a rounder profile, so a slower more deliberate turn in. I got used to it. Just mounted another PR2.
  17. Out of curiousity, what pressure do you run on the street?
  18. Ouch. That's the reason I made the move to sport touring tires a few years ago. I sacrifice a little grip, but less down time for tire changes. I got 6,500 on my last Pilot Road 2.
  19. You can spend $20k on a new HD big twin...another $5k in go fast parts...and wind up with a bike that's a lot slower than a 10 year old CBR600. I'll pass.
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