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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. The bill permits union negotiations for wages, hours and working conditions, but bans collective bargaining for benefits. It also eliminates binding arbitration and prohibits public employees from going on strike. Basically, Medical costs are going up for everyone. Ohio gov't workers have been mostly shielded from this under collective bargaining...at the expense of Ohio (with a large budget deficit) and Ohio taxpayers. So, SB5 proposes that gov't workers pay the same increases in health care costs as the rest of Ohioians. This makes perfect sense to me. Lots of fear mongering on the Anti-SB5 side
  2. Is this the bill to limit collective bargianing for gov't employees? If so, I REALLY hope it passes. It's long overdue.
  3. None of my corbins have been slippery. Try saddle soap.
  4. How wide is the stand? The spools on my Buell are 16" or so. I'll buy it if it fits.
  5. ****SOLD**** 1991 Nighthawk 250. I bought it for my GF to learn on a couple years ago. She did, but now it mostly sits so time to go. Mileage us under 4k. New front tire, new battery. Mechanically A1. It's been beginner-ed on a few times so there are a few scuffs, but it still looks pretty good. 80ish MPG. Clean clear title. The beauty of these is that it really isn't going to depreciate any more. Ride it for a while then move to something bigger, or decide riding isn't for you...either way you should be able to sell it later for $1,250. I'll try to find a few photos.
  6. First pic from the scooter ride
  7. You crazy scooter bastards will have those things pegged WFO. On the other hand, the sportbike riders will be riding somewhere below top speed.
  8. For those that haven't been on one, CORE rides are like this... The leader typically doesn't get above 75-80 in straights. Corner speed is as much you are able, while getting your bike home unscuffed. Staying within your limits in the corners (whatever they may be) is appreciated. If you aren't feeling up to sticking with the lead bikes through the corners, then catch up in the straights, again the leader is only doing 75ish. This tends to keep the group from getting too spread out. Do the speed limit when going through towns or when it drops below 55. If we are going to see any LEOs, 99% chance they are going to be in towns. Wear gear. Oh, and wear gear. For those of use that are cursed living in the land of straight boring roads in NEO, getting to the good roads in SEO is a 400+ mile day. This gives you plenty of time in the twisties and makes that boring stretch to/from worth while.
  9. I may be interested in the spool stand. Any pics or a link?
  10. Multiple rides. I plan to head to twisty awsomeness.
  11. You guys just keep that rolling road block out of our way. Fom Bolivar, we can pick up 83 at the intersection 83/93. We can meet in New Concord 83/22 (I believe there is a Circle K on 22) at 10:30.
  12. CORE rides ususally begin in Bolivar on 212. We can have another meeting spot on 83 for those that don't want to head to Bolivar.
  13. No route fianlized yet but for the ride south... How about 83>78>377>550 (yes going right by 555, but not riding it because it kinda sucks compared to other roads in that area)>into Marietta. For the ride home out of Marietta are some of the best roads in OH (26, 255, 260, 556, etc) which ones we ride depends on how many miles you want to log that day. Going back home you can split off on 250>83 north.
  14. We could connect further south on 83...
  15. There may be a CORE ride on 6/5. 1000ccs and 17" wheels welcome.
  16. Tpoppa


    If you think 556 is rough, then you'll want to avoid 536 this season. Lots of sections of tar that cover the entire lane. Many in blind corners that you can't see until your about to slide.
  17. Someday, I want to get a Harley and trailer it to and from bike night. Ideally, I'll never try to start it or even put gas in it. Time to take it up a notch. I'll show those posers how to pose.
  18. I love fucking strippers!! > I fucking love strippers!!
  19. The NCAA is ghey. The people who make money, don't want anyone else to make money. I'll start giving a damn about college football when they get a playoff system.
  20. Where did your buddy get the ticket?
  21. Without reading through pages of posts...this is why I CCW when I ride. There are lots of dumbfucks out there. Some of them seem to have issues with sportbikes or being passed. I've had this exact situation happen 3 or 4 times in SE OH & WV. Once by a group of HDs, once by a truck full of hilbillies w/hunting gear (deep in WV). I've managed to extract myself from those situations without a major incident occuring, but you never know...
  22. Over a lot of miles, I doubt any money saved would be significant. On a motorcycle you'd save money on gas, but more maintenance is required, tires don't last as long, etc. It would also depend on the car & bike. Ford F150 vs a Ninja 250 - there is a pretty big gap. Honda Civic vs CBR1000RR - I'll bet the cost per mile is pretty close, probably a bit cheaper on the car.
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