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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. I had a nasty flu for 3 weeks and lost 7 lbs.
  2. Tpoppa

    AR Pistols?

    So you can use a full size stock. It currently has an arm brace
  3. Tpoppa

    AR Pistols?

    I have a PSA AR pistol in 9mm that uses glock mags. No malfunctions in the 1st 500 rounds. It has a 4" threaded barrel. What should I do
  4. I remember you saying that. Last year they offered a "Voluntary Early Retirement Plan" to employees over 55 with at least 15 years of service. It said voluntary enough times to make an age discrimination law suit difficult. Everyone I spoke to said the message seemed more like leave now because you're no longer wanted here. It was a corporate tactic to get rid of people that have been here long enough to make a decent living. Over 70% of them took the offer, which was around 3,000 people. Many of those were our "go to" people and subject matter experts. They've been replaced with entry level people, most overseas. It's pretty much been a shit show. I feel like I'm jumping off a sinking ship.
  5. Yep, I'm not giving that up. New job is based in LA. I'll be there 2 or 3 weeks a year, but other than that I'll be working from home.
  6. So, I found a new, better job and am going to leave my company. I work for a company that used to be a good place to work but has become cruel and soul crushing under new management. They've literally laid of thousands (at least 5k) of US employees and sent their jobs to India, Philippines, etc. Not bad employees either, these are the people that built this company. They secretly train people overseas then when they are sorta trained they fire entire departments & close entire locations with no notice. People literally find out Friday afternoon they don't have a job Monday after 10 or 20 years . There's been at least 30 rounds of firings (probably more but they try to keep it secret). I realize this is a trend in some industries, but my company is aggressively eliminating a huge chunk of it's US workforce. Now what we have is thousands of poorly trained people, that can't effectively communicate with customers. Work has suffered, clients are constantly complaining...many have left altogether. They kept a few key employees, like me, to clean up the messes of our new cheap labor. No thanks. I'm officially quitting next week. I can't fucking wait to tell them.
  7. Tpoppa

    Hey Tpoppa

    Trump Obama Abortion Welfare Gun Control Immigration Titties
  8. Tpoppa

    Hey Tpoppa

    Yep, it's winter.
  9. Tpoppa

    Hey Tpoppa

    I was able to pick up a little bit of speed at some point...but chasing you, Dave, Gary, Brian, Kevin, etc around SEO was my weekend riding school for several years.
  10. Tpoppa

    Hey Tpoppa

    Back in the day, I'd chase it on a 2003 Buell XB9S.
  11. Tpoppa

    Hey Tpoppa

    I chased that bike for many miles through SEO.
  12. I think too many parents think it's their job to try to be their kids' best friend. Being friends is fine, but they'll make friends. They need parents. I think my # 1 job as a parent is to raise capable, well adjusted, young adults. Life lessons, tough love, dealing with disappointment is all part of that.
  13. No one wants their kid to get made fun of...but you know what? Kids need to face disappointment and adversity in increasing levels before they reach adult age and have to face real problems in the real world. It creates real-life, useful coping skills. If they don't you tend to get fragile, unsure, young adults that crumble when thing don't go their....well, you get millennials.
  14. I have a couple of these (non zipper version) for pocket pistols. These are great for front or rear pocket carry. It prints just like a wallet. http://pocketholsters.com/Ruger_LCP_380_Pocket-Wallet_Ho/ruger_lcp_380_pocket-wallet_holster.html
  15. Glock 36 Slimline (single stack 45). Gen 3 ( don't believe there is a GEN 4 of the 36), 2 Mags. Nice condition, no noticeable wear. No box. Trade for?
  16. Ducati has tons of special editions, final editions, and no really this is the final edition. The only ones I've seem command collector prices are the Sport Classics.
  17. The Dr didn't really mention a cause other than saying it's pretty common in Ohio.
  18. If she were to pass away while Trump was president, pretty sure liberals would walk her around "Weekend at Bernie's" style until the next election.
  19. 50,000 iu is actually just 1 pill. It's pretty standard to treat severe deficiency. It wouldn't be healthy for someone with normal levels.
  20. The treatment is a really high dose of VItamin D. 50,000 IU per week for 12 weeks. The normal recommended daily amount is 600 IU per day.
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