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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. If she were to pass away while Trump was president, pretty sure liberals would walk her around "Weekend at Bernie's" style until the next election.
  2. 50,000 iu is actually just 1 pill. It's pretty standard to treat severe deficiency. It wouldn't be healthy for someone with normal levels.
  3. The treatment is a really high dose of VItamin D. 50,000 IU per week for 12 weeks. The normal recommended daily amount is 600 IU per day.
  4. So it turns out there may be a medical explanation for this. I just had blood work done after I couldn't shake a cold and it turns out I have a pretty serious Vitamin D deficiency, that's been slowly getting worse for years. It comes with a bunch of seemingly unrelated symptoms like: headache, extreme fatigue, temperature sensitivity, chronic pain, difficulty sleeping, getting sick often, etc...all things that make it hard to enjoy things as much as I used to. It's been pretty awful, but it makes sense. Good news is that once diagnosed, it's pretty easy to treat. I should bounce back after a few months of supplements. We'll see.
  5. Lunch box? It's literally a reusable lunch carrying device. My step dad used to expect us to wash and reuse paper plates. I thought it was stupid & refused (coincidentally, he's a very stupid man). I used to ask him if he was aware that they make reusable plates. Making smart money choices is a good thing, but when it gets too extreme I've seen it get very similar to hoarding.
  6. That may be true with a no name Chinese knockoff scope, but I've never experienced this with any reputable brands. Tasco, Simmons, Bushnell, ect make some very good scopes that are relatively inexpensive and get great reviews. High end scopes do have advantages, but a lot of that is only noticeable in low light conditions or at max magnification. That may make the difference if you're hunting at dawn...but, if you're shooting paper at 2-300 yards during the day, I seriously doubt your groups would be any different.
  7. The next long gun I buy will be a Ruger PC carbine. Plenty accurate to 150 yards or so. And it uses Glock mags.
  8. I built an MOA AR with optics for under $500. I bought some parts used to say under $500. It should do better than MOA. but I'll need proper targets to verify. This is hard to beat for the $$ https://www.opticsplanet.com/reviews/reviews-tasco-6-24x42-targetvarmint.html
  9. This is Darwinism, and I don't mean that is the dick sense. The rider broke basic laws, and presumably was riding a motorcycle that was above his pay grade. The passenger chose to get on a motorcycle with an inexperienced rider...perhaps he convinced her that he knew what he was doing....dunno. Poor choices led to death, unfortunately.
  10. There is nothing in this thread worth caring about.
  11. I have to say I share Grassley's feelings about the media. At some point is became acceptable for national media worry more about shaping public opinion rather than reporting facts. There were many pro Kavanaugh demonstrations. How much coverage did they get?
  12. Did anyone happen to notice the thick, thick irony of the Senate Democrats alleging a biased, partisan investigation? They have strongly condemned Trump for previously suggesting such a thing was even possible. CNN is completely steering clear of that conversation.
  13. Wrong. Again. Hillary went to great lengths to dig up dirt to discredit the women that accused Bill of sexual harassment. She was FAR more ruthless than anything Trump said. It's not a conspiracy theory . https://nypost.com/2017/11/22/ex-obama-cabinet-member-rips-hillary-for-bashing-bills-accusers/
  14. No one was more ruthless on discrediting those that claimed sexual harassment than Hilldog. Granted, Bill gave her plenty of opportunities.
  15. This Canatuna looks to be better for passengers than your bike, too.
  16. I mostly like the GSXS but I never cared for the tail section. The passenger seat looks like an unusable afterthought. The Katana looks like it would be way more tolerable for 2 up riding.
  17. Suzuki really needs to think about finding some better looking models to show off their bikes. Take a lesson from the Italians.
  18. Is it basically a retro body kit on a GSXS?
  19. 60 is pretty typical of sport tourers. Actually, with some bags and a screen it would be pretty similar to the Tracer 900 GT. And it has cruise control. Can anyone think of a good reason why all motorcycles don't have electronic cruise?
  20. That seems to be the the most common complaint that I have seen so far. Flat track fans is a pretty tiny target market. I think people that want a sporty American made street bike from a company that will actually be around (sorry EB) would expect 17" wheels. I'll be surprised if there isn't a 17" version in the first or second model year.
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