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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. Washington DC is a dirty place where money & power is routinely wielded to influence, control, and shape the outcomes of all things political. If the amount of resources spent to investigate this whole shit show, were spent to investigate any other US President they would find plenty of unflattering, possibly-criminal things. When you pull back those political covers you're going to find plenty of shit that was never meant to see the light of day. I don't defend any of that, but I am aware enough to realize that's what happens. The fact that there is no "smoking gun" is enough for me in this situation. I never cared for Trump long before he ever considered politics. He is not someone that I would enjoy spending time with. He is not a role model. His personality is not "Presidential." He's arrogant and oddly consumed with his image, etc. I do agree with some, but not all of his policies, however. He's right on tariffs and trade agreements. He's right that other countries need to step up and pay their fair share (NATO for example), and stop treating the US like it's an ATM. He's right about illegal immigration in the respect that it is a huge humanitarian crisis and getting worse. Our immigration laws are a joke, something both Reps and Dems have said for years. I don't think a wall is the best option...the best option is for Congress to pass stronger, sensible immigration laws and ACTUALLY enforce them, but we all know that isn't going to happen. So, If I'm forced to choose between a wall or nothing...I'll take the wall please. In 2020, I'd be happy to vote for a candidate that's better then Trump. But I haven't seen one yet. The Dems seem to want to continue parade out race-baiting-talking-heads, with no real platform besides "we don't like Trump." I'm going to need more than that.
  2. I tend to agree with this. I'm a right leaning moderate that doesn't vote with any party as a rule. This investigation was a witch hunt, meaning that many would only be satisfied if the result was Trump being removed from office. Check the top 10 headlines on CNN if you disagree.
  3. I have a 1911 Gold Sovereign coin worth about $500.
  4. Let's say you're a decent human being and you genuinely have our country's best interest in mind...then you find out that a US President DIDN'T collude with a foreign government. Wouldn't relief be a more appropriate response than utter disappointment? Looking at you CNN. At least try to pretend that you haven't been doing anything you can to try to take down a sitting US President.
  5. I don't see it hitting $40 again unless there is a major financial disaster. But, I do see it increasing again during the next bear market. It's right around 15 right now.
  6. Terrific. So, if I were to purchase something with silver or sell the silver to a private party...how, exactly could that be tracked? It can't. Do you pay taxes on jewelry that appreciates? https://gsiexchange.com/states-gold-silver-become-legal-tender/
  7. Born in the 70s, but I heard stories
  8. Not talking about hoarding or a get rich quick scheme. I am considering moving some liquid funds from savings into silver. It's a hedge that can earn more then the interest rates at a bank without any tax consequences. While silver ins't as liquid as cash, it's still liquid.
  9. As stated I am generally against naming vehicles, but if there must be a name... The bike should be the Walrus and the rider...the Paulrus.
  10. Wasn't naming vehicles a thing in the 60s and 70s with the hippie crowd? That's how I remember it.
  11. Also, something like 12-15 states now consider gold and silver to be legal tender.
  12. I have a diversified portfolio that I am very comfortable with. I also keep a certain amount in savings that I don't invest in case the market were to go to shit for awhile. Precious metals tend to increase when everything else drops. So it seems like a decent hedge when the market is in panic mode. I'm considering moving around 10-15% of my savings into physical silver bars (which is trading at a very low ratio to gold right now). Worse case, I throw them in a safe and my kids inherit silver bars someday
  13. If so how do you do it? Physical, ETFs, funds, mining stocks? I am considering moving a small portion of my liquid assets (savings account) into physical silver bars. Reason is that I think that silver prices will grow more than the barely existent interest rates at the bank. Thoughts?
  14. It held 6 full bags of groceries just fine. Even today, the PC would be a fun bike for sport touring 1 or 2 up. They were rock solid except for the voltage regulator, which was typically upgraded.
  15. I can't get past the whole keeping a box of cat waste in the house. Even worse, the cat walks in said box, and seconds later walks on your counter. That's where food get's made. Hell no.
  16. Oh, and I hate cats, and will never own one. But, 90% sure I ate cat once from a Chinese carry out place on W 25th in Cleveland. Not terrible, but it definitely wasn't the sweet and sour pork I ordered.
  17. I refuse to assign names to anything that can't respond to that name. That goes for motorcycles, cats...some kids.
  18. I had one of those, even took it on a couple CORE rides. Practical and comfortable, with WAY more cornering capability than you'd expect. They were also wildly unpopular...maybe because it looked like it was designed by Tupperware
  19. I get all my tires mounted there. Low volume dealer, but good to deal with.
  20. That would look at home in a Civic.
  21. It has a clutch lever.
  22. That could be a forever bike.
  23. If I was to buy a new naked bike for mach retard it would be a Street Triple 765 or an MT-10. But, if you're planning on much 2 up riding the Tracer GT might be a better overall package.
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