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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. I have a 3 year old and a 7 year old. Sometimes TV = peace in the house.
  2. Cancelling DirecTV felt way better than it should have. Went Sling on my already jail broken Firesticks. $140/month down to $35/month. That's almost a motorcycle payment
  3. Tpoppa could probably out corner the average sporty bike rider and Tonik with that BossHoss There you go. I fixed it for you. Better?
  4. I said well engineered. I can carry pretty much the same corner speed on my 600 lb vfr as I could on my 425 lb CBR. It's within 2-3 mph. And that's probably due to me pushing harder on the CBR. OTOH, acceleration is certainly affected by hp/weight ratio.
  5. This. IMO, weight has little impact on handling or the ability to carry corner speed. My 600lb VFR12 is a fine handling, well engineered machine that only feels heavy under 10mph.
  6. Bucket list item: Eat a steak so big I get a free T-shirt.
  7. I'm definitely not buying another bike now. I still might be able to ride this season if I don't need surgery. I should find out this week.
  8. I would do a Disney Cruise.
  9. Thanks man. Honestly, except for this things have been pretty damn good. I was all set to by another motorcycle today.
  10. I'll be discussing options next week. 6-12 more months of this. FML.
  11. The saga continues.... After a torn bicep...botched surgery...months of rehab, I just retore the damn thing and probably need to have surgery again.
  12. Changed the final drive oil. It takes 10 minutes every 20K #chainsareforthebedroom
  13. 2016 - not exactly close https://chicago.craigslist.org/nch/mcy/6044911091.html
  14. Leftover 2015 https://detroit.craigslist.org/mcb/mcd/6029611291.html
  15. Tracy shouldn't go out with Tim. Not unless he agrees to get a street bike.
  16. I've been married once, I probably won't do it again. Green grass? When I'm completely unattached it seems like I can't find anyone worth asking out, like they've all suddenly vanished. But, when I'm dating someone, it seems like there's a parade of beautiful women that want to flirt with me. Honestly, I think it's a fucking conspiracy created by women to mess with my head.
  17. I regret I can only give 1 rep for that
  18. I met a couple nice people online, but way more crazies... One was married, using online dating to cheat on her husband, because he cheated on her. I passed. On was living with and still dating her boyfriend, and she literally told me she was looking for an "upgrade." I asked her how long we would date before she needed another upgrade. She was beautiful, but a total train wreck. One was still living with her ex, who would get drunk and beat her up. I got her tell her family what was going on. I decided against a second date though. On a first date, I was told we could have sex that night, but only if I agreed we were dating exclusively. This was after she told me she couldn't handle rejection and cried
  19. I've dated/hung out with a couple asian females. Honestly, the word "interracial" never crossed my mind. It's probably different for men vs women
  20. Life is full of twists and turns. Sometimes good things are just around the corner.
  21. I tried it years ago. My experience wasn't so different from yours. It all seemed very forced. I wouldn't do it again. I have a few stories though. Anymore I'll pretty much only date someone that I've known on a friendly level first.
  22. Do they play any hippie music?
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