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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. I make a spicy chicken bean soup that is also pretty tasty.
  2. Yes, like a watery sloppy joe
  3. I know everyone thinks they make kick-ass chili. I'd put this up against anyone's. I use some top secret ingredients, and it's a PITA to make, but it comes out great. It took first in a cookoff with about 15 entries.
  4. Happy V D (Don't share that kind of love, OK)
  5. What the hell is this? Mixing fractions and decimals, why would you do that
  6. Tpoppa

    Katana Hate?

    I'd like to ride the vrscr Street Rod
  7. Tpoppa

    Katana Hate?

    I've ridden enough Harley's to know I'll never be a Harley guy. However, lately I've been considering buying a sportster (probably an xl1200r) and putting some top notch suspension bits on it, just to see quickly I could get it to hustle through the corners. I'll bet I could surprise a few kids on sport bikes
  8. Another thought...counter steering doesn't 'always' mean the bars actually going past zero degrees the other direction. If you are already committed to a turn and need to tighten your line you would counter steer, but the bars wouldn't ever get near zero degrees. Just a degree or 2 the opposite direction of your turn.
  9. I haven't tried Bridgestone in awhile, maybe 8 years. My last experience wasn't so good. I forget the model # but it was their 1st dual compound ST tire. I remember the tire would wear in "steps" where the compound changed. I'll look into the T30s.
  10. On a slightly different subject... I once witnessed a brand new rider in parking try to ride a motorcycle for the first time. He attempted to turn for the first time by turning the bars to damn near full lock with zero lean angle. Guess what happened
  11. If you ride a bicycle with no hands and use your weight to turn from side to side, I think you see the handlebars will counter steer for an instant before they fall into the turn. Yes, video this.
  12. Even if you aren't touching the bars counter steering is still occurring. The bars will naturally counter steer the appropriate direction to initiate the turn. Try the same thing with the handlebars locked in place (like in the Keith Code video), and you would run right off the road.
  13. Best riding video there is, IMO Counter steering explained at 3:10 http://www.veoh.com/watch/v20959402FsQ2jz6A
  14. Since we're talking cornering technique, why not go balls deep? I get a leg out and half my ass off the seat for most corners. I establish body position before the corner because I don't want to upset the bike mid corner by moving around. The only thing I do to actually initiate the turn is counter steer, so my body is pretty much motionless at the instant. It's the smoothest way I can glide into a corner. Counter steering is my margin of error. If it's a blind decreasing radius turn all I need to do is increase the counter steering input while staying on the throttle...again, my body stays pretty much motionless. It works.
  15. IMO, that would likely reduce tire life because you are carrying more lean angle than if you were hanging off a bit. I rode with Bambam quite a bit years ago. XB9fog (Buell Dave) was another one that was blazing fast while mostly staying on the seat.
  16. Pretty much my line. I stay as far on the outside of the line as I can then tip in as late as possible. This gives you the max line of site. It may reduce corner entry speed a bit, but you'll get vertical and on the gas quicker and that'll increase corner exit speed.
  17. I ran several sets of Angel GTs on both my CBR600RR and VFR1200 CBR 425lbs 105hp 44ft/lbs VFR 625lbs 145hp 82ft/lbs I get almost the exact same mileage out of the tires, 5.5-6k. The VFR wears out the front a little bit sooner, the CBR wore out the rear a little sooner. I did push the CBR a bit harder in the corners, but I rode them mostly the same
  18. Tpoppa

    Katana Hate?

    I had one for a few years. I put about 14k on the odo. Not the best looking, but certainly one of the most fun bikes I've owned. The motor is fantastic. Significantly better then the version on the 1st and 2nd gen SV650. A 2008+ GSXR 600/750 shock will bolt on for a cheap suspension mod.
  19. This is what you should be doing on the street, even mach retard street riding. Set your corner entry speed early, before you begin the turn then accelerate through it. If touch my brakes in a turn it either means I misjudged something, or there's an unexpected obstacle in the road. Edit** I can't say that this will eliminate cupping (there are other factors), but it will play a role in how your tire wears.
  20. I haven't read this whole thread, I assume when we say cupping we are mostly referring to front tires... If you are braking, engine braking, coasting, or even just maintaining speed through corners you are adding load to your front tire, which will affect how the tire wears. If you are slightly accelerating through corners like you should (see Twist of the Wrist 2), you are taking load off your front tire. This has lots of other benefits also.
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