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Everything posted by Tpoppa

  1. Since when does the president have any direct impact on the stock market? I mean, Obama drove up firearm stocks like mad, but that's just because he's the gun salesman of the century.
  2. I am not a republican. My ego is not big enough and I am far too tolerant to be a progressive democrat.
  3. No, just never found your comments particularly memorable.
  4. So...you're some kind of lib-troll? Sorry, I never paid enough attention to you to form an opinion.
  5. The only part of the election I thought was rigged was the DNC. I thought it was rigged against Hillary in 08, and more obviously rigged for her this year. The sweet, sweet irony there is that I think Bernie would have carried moderate voters better than Hillary and probably would have won PA, MI, IA, and WI.
  6. Is that what the protest are about? Or just making a smart ass comment?
  7. Admittedly, I haven't paid much attention to the protests. Can anyone tell me the point of them? The election wasn't close, so I'm guessing hey aren't about demanding some kind of recount. Is it just a matter of...we're pissed off because Hillary didn't win?
  8. This is from CNN. An extremely left leaning outlet http://www.cnn.com/2016/11/09/opinions/liberals-chill-out-about-trump-victory-stanley/index.html
  9. You are totally right. It's completely awesome. We shall miss you dearly.
  10. Your opinion vastly exceeds your grasp of the information you are attempting to quote.
  11. I can respect your position, but I completely reject the notion that voting for Trump was a vote against Mexicans, Muslims, GLBT, women, Martians, etc. The Clinton campaign tried very hard to make that point. They were wrong. They lost. It's called fear mongering...it works better on some people that others (see some of Chuck 78's posts in this thread for reference). btw, I didn't support Trump or Clinton, but I do reject that notion.
  12. When it's 15 below in January, just remember there's a whole big country north of us that wishes it was "only" 15 below...
  13. Before you move to Canada you might want to visit first. Most of Canada isn't that awesome.
  14. Really, what has he done as president that you dislike? You blame "right wing voters," but the truth is hard line reps and dems tend to stick to party lines and that doesn't change much from election to election. This difference in this election is that Hillary was not able to carry moderate voters and independents like Obama was able to in 2008 & 2012. Hillary was not able to capture critical electoral votes that tend to lean toward the democrats. A stronger democratic candidate should have had no problem carrying WI, PA, IA, or MI for example. And really, you look at the early 2000's as the glory days...you mean during George W's presidency?!?!
  15. You kind of remind me of a fat old skank on her period.
  16. The butthurt is strong in this one.
  17. I kind of expected her to melt into a pile of goo at the end of her concession speech.
  18. The night of the fight, you may feel a slight sting. That's pride fucking with you. Fuck pride. Pride only hurts. It never helps. You fight through that shit -- Marsellus Wallace
  19. Since, I hurt my arm I've been riding a V Star. After that, this Honda would feel like a MotoGP bike
  20. Stock, it should be able to carve corners at 8/10ths pace. The riding position looks neutral enough for distance riding.
  21. I really like the looks of this one. And it has 17 inch wheels so you can use decent rubber. https://rideapart.com/articles/2017-honda-cb1100-rs-closer-look
  22. For trade or sale. I acquired a new, unfired, XDS Bitone 4.0 in 9mm. It has the factory holster and mag case (not the essentials pack). It a great little carry 9mm. I just don't need it. Trade for ??? Maybe a Glock 42 or a Bodyguard .380...I like things in stainless...or something else interesting.
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