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Posts posted by mrhobbz

  1. So, why on earth would you stick with Sprint then? Also, just to piss in Sprint's Wheaties, I typically see about double that DL speed and 3-4 times the UL on AT&T.


    Because i use a massive amount of data, and they won't let me out of my contract no matter how much I complain and I'm not about to spend $400 terminating two lines

  2. My gps seems to work fine, i'm just tired of having 1 bar of 3g at my house and only when im close to the window.


    My GPS works OK, but my data doesn't so my Google maps doesn't work half the time or it takes forever to load the maps

  3. Good hopefully it happens soon. Tired of all the sprint "techs" telling me they've never had coverage or speed issues with THEIR phones. My S4 is nearly unusable, I can't even use the GPS on it with Google maps in or around 90% of central Ohio because the data speeds are so horrid.
  4. According to there facebook they moved down the street from IPS.



    Based on there facebook posts it sounds like they havent built a single performance lambo . SMH


    Sure they have.... It just doesn't run.

  5. I got a moving special, parents didn't want to haul it to myrtle beach when they move, dad bought it in 2000 with 59k on it so I can't complain too much for $1500. I may look into calling an exterminator I hate bees with passion.


    Drove it, no bees came out. I parked the truck on the street and I've seen a few kind of circling the area that the truck was previously parked at

  6. Not sure if this should technically be in this section but it is car related.. Mods please move if you feel the need.



    I just bought me a cleetus (97' f150 w/ 73k on the clock) I've noticed tons of wasps flying into the cowl, I'm pretty sure there is a hive somewhere but I can't see it under the dash or in the cowl. Does anyone have any advice for getting rid of these sonsa bitches?

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