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Posts posted by mrhobbz

  1. draw? I wouldn't call it that. There won't be a round 3 until Phil makes up more bullshit for me to discredit. Frankly, I'm tired, the battery on the iPad is dying, and I'm going out shopping for more summer clothes for the kids. In the supra that gets 15mpg. Why? Because I can.



    Good day gentlemen.


    Wow. You remind me of myself when I was about 17/18ish, a babbling idiot that didn't know when to keep his mouth shut. I'm not here to flame but give it rest, you're making yourself look like a douche bag.

  2. I tried to take pics with my phone...can you see the lighter area? That's where it's not covering. I don’t think you can see the other issues from the pics I took...


    Sorry, I'm using picasa on my phone and I don’t know how to get a .jpg link...




    Gotcha, yeah that picture came out. Yeah that film definitely wasn't cut right. Mine was due to a different issue with the window gaskets apparently. You'd still have it turn a lighter color where the tint doesn't lay flat over the dot matrix but it should have still been cut to fit the entire window.

  3. I'm calling them today after work and telling them my husband is bringing the car there for them to fix. Some of it is bubbling up and you can see where the tint ends...like they used just enough to cover the window but not go all the way to the corners. Im pretty damn annoyed


    They did the same thing on one of my rear windows, they said it was because how far the gasket sits in on my windows. They didn't fix it even though the other one was cut fine. Keep us updated, would like to know if they fix the corner issue on yours.

  4. Okay, the new car needs tint BADLY! In the past I have always used Quality Window Tine, but their next available appointment is Wednesday, April 27!!!


    Can anyone recommend a HIGH QUALITY (not a "hey, I have this friends that did it to his car") referral? I want it done right and with quality materials. I do not want to end up wishing I had just waited.






    When i got my dodge tinted I was going to head to Quality but had the same problem, from what I was told most of Qualities employees left. I ended up going to AtoZ on Groves road where two of their employees went. They did a great job and were good about fixing some of the minor issues I had with the tint.

  5. Dreamweaver is a horrible wysywig editor. I suggest learing HTML & CSS inside and out and then use Dreamweaver in code view. The built-in FTP and code-hinting is nice. If you want just a code editor I suggest TextMate or Text Wrangler.


    There are tons of great HTML & CSS resources out there. Lynda.com has good (paid) tutorials as well.






    This. Netbeans is also much better than dreamweaver and it's completely free, for a syntax highlighting code editor (does not have live preview). Dreamweaver blows when it comes to do doing divs and advanced css techniques.

  6. There was a thread about this a few years ago and there was a lot of great suggestions, but none of which I can remember lol. There's a cool spot out in this little "town" called Lilly Chapel (near London and West Jefferson) which has a couple old grain silos that I've taken pics at before...





    That's on W Jefferson Kiousville Rd SE, 43162 for anyone that wants to know. Almost bought that house in the background last summer

  7. I haven't called them yet, being a friday I'm sure it'll be monday before they get back to me. But I wouldn't think it'll be much. I'm 32 married nothing on record for over 5 yrs car has dual air bags, 4 cyl hatch. It's only a $1500 car.


    Just curious


    Quotes are normally instant, most companies even allow you to do them online

  8. I talked with a couple guys today when I picking up some things and they mentioned that they had a "run in" with some guys on here. They said Wednesday night, I'd assume this week but I don't know for sure. Seems some people were running off at the cock suck about running a red Evo and the guy with the Evo didn't want to run. I guess this pissed off some of the douches and they began running their mouths some more. In the end one of the friends of the owner of said Evo decided he needed to pull a knife? Not sure what really went down, but that the guy didn't want to run and some people from CR felt the need to push the issue. Nice to see that you guys are stupid in person too, of course pulling a knife is dumb as hell too.

    Please feel free to give the other side to this story, so that hopefully you guys weren't trying to be tough guy street racers in FUCKING Columbus, Ohio. You guys wonder why those of us who have been around for awhile don't venture out to the parking lots anymore. It's to avoid the "I'm tougher than you because I can hustle a street race" bullshit.





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