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Posts posted by mrhobbz

  1. Brendon is my son and My first job was at 14 and I made $4.00 an hour at GD Ritzys in the Columbus square. I had to work an 8 hour shift and still didnt make $35.00 a day.


    I guess you shoulda started saving that car money when I told you to HUH??????????


    I'll tell ya what. Give me your 35.00 a day to put in to the Camaro and I'll let you drive it around the block when you turn 18 :).



    Listen to this guy. I can tell you from experience that if you do you'll be thankful in 10 years. :fuckyeah:

  2. Lol, you must hate that place with a passion. :gabe: I will look into it though.


    Cool deal, may also want to try Taco Bell. I worked there before I was 18 and they never had an issue with me using the deep fryer or hot water meat-bag cooker.

  3. Exactly. I gave them a call before I applied at Scrambler's and the manager said "well, I doubt we can hire you because we would be liable for any accidents while using a deep fryer until you're 18" or something gay like that.


    Teleperformance - does it suck there or something, lol?


    Teleperformance is the devil but most of their projects start at around $9/hr. It's tech support, tech support blows the company also blows which is why they have such a high turn over. They'd hire monkeys if they could read and speak english though. If you can deal with fat slobs and weirdos who smell of BO and people that smear feces on the walls in the bathroom and "supervisors" that are worthless as all get out then it might be ok for you.

  4. Already tried there man. They won't hire me because I would have to work a deep fryer and they don't want to be liable for anything, lol.


    Uhhhh what?



    Here's another idea. If you can read and know what basic computer peripherals are and do goto Teleperformance. You'll hate life, but they'll hire just about anyone.

  5. It's fun to play. Me and hobbz played it saturday for about 4 hours. Now I'm going through with draw. my best drag time is a 8.4 in the r32 skyline .


    8.242 with the broken steering wheel

  6. Seriously? I was joking with you, I would have hoped that would have been obvious. Especially since (I hope) you were joking with this thread to begin with. Quit being such a douche canoe.


    Good luck with your brakes, don't fry out there, it's going to be a hot one again! It's might rain later (4pm?) too if you are doing it outside.


    Hezus Christo, fuck getting up at 4AM to do work on your car. :fuuuu:


    My bad brother, was kind of grumpy and didn't realize you were dicking around lol. :fa:

  7. Be mr hobbz, constantly hit F5, catch me 30 seconds after I post and 2 seconds before I edit my post.:fuuuu:


    Oh, and clearly you couldn't do them yourself or this post wouldn't exist.


    I'm not even going to go there with you, your assumptions already did a pretty good job of making an ass out of you. Good day sir, now I'm off to do MY brakes this fine morning so I can avoid the heat, which was the issue to begin with.

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