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Posts posted by mrhobbz

  1. Believe it or not, when I got him he was 54lbs. The poor guy was all skin and bones, he was even having trouble standing on the tile floor at the shelter. After I rehabbed him for about 2 weeks I was able to get him an awesome home with my sister.


    That's awesome man, always glad to see someone that can appreciate the type of companions that rotts can and should be with proper training. Good looking dogs you have there.


    On another note, krogers has ribs on sale. Screw the crowded rib fest, it's grillin time.

  2. lol, he's a big baby too.


    Here he is with his 100lb "sister" behind him. The picture isn't the best to show his size, but he is a giant dog.




    How on earth did you mistake that bear for a dog...

  3. is anyone guna go saturday or sunday?


    would be cool to meet up with some of you.


    Pretty sure I'm going Saturday, depends on what time I get my ass out of bed to do brakes and tie rod ends on my car

  4. Important read



    If you don't like the lines go Friday around 11-

    If you don't like the crowd don't go at night

    Stop being a bunch of pussies

    City BBQ sucks

    20 bucks for a slab isn't overrated. City BBQ is like 11 bucks for a meal and it's not all that great.

    Of you wanna know how to do this successfully hit me up and follow as I roll threw there in 45 mins hit up 6-10 stands and enjoy the rib fest


    What are you talking about? City BBQ is the best breh :masturboy: I'll still be attending the rib fest even though jazz sucks.

  5. troof


    Some of the stuff is pretty good but it's always stupid hot out, lines are long, and ribs are overpriced


    bring a dog, like a rott or a shep. It will part the crowds of super annoying teenagers faster than you can blink.


    I think I may just hit city bbq, sounds like the cheaper less annoying option.

  6. how you not like jazz??? im not a huge jazz fan, but it pulls you in like a whirlwind lol. i usually take 150-200 bucks and stack up on my pork


    There aren't enough cow bells in jazz, it's pretty disappoint.

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