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Posts posted by mrhobbz

  1. umm see thread...http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=94951

    see post...



    i think i see your problem fat asss


    These aren't getting eaten by me, nice try though :gabe: Simmer down now sonny.

  2. Does anyone else have a credit line with GE Money Bank? I don't know if its just something weird with my account or what but my due date for payment is the 10th of every month. I had $585 and some change on it, last month I made a $400 payment which went through the next day that I submitted the online payment, previous months went through in the a timely manner also. This month I submitted a final payment of $70.98 on the 1st of August which is the remaining balance and it still hasn't posted or been taken out of my bank account. It's not a big deal but somewhat annoying. Anyone else experience anything like this or ever had issues with them before?
  3. Not that it matters, but was this inside the victim's home? Sounds like it may have been on the street. Regardless the outcome was justified, don't be a worthless criminal, and you won't have to worry about being shot in self-defense.


    Police/media didn't state if it was inside or outside. Knowing this idiot he was probably robbing the guy in the middle of the street in front of the entire neighborhood

  4. LOL, " Mario was a good guy who was just going through a dark part in his life. He didn't deserve this." I can just see people writing stuff like I just said in his defense.


    Pretty much, and these people keep deleting my comments pointing out that he was robbing someone :gabe:

  5. anyone have suggestions? i want to try something different out of this gahanna/new albany/westerville area. im sick of eating at the same places. dont suggest any hamburger joints down there or any dumb shit like that. $15 per plate minimum.




    this place was pretty decent, 2 people food + numerous martinis ran me $90 something. Don't expect a quiet meal there though, it seems to always be packed with campus air heads every time i've been there. Other than that I have no clue, I hate down town.

  6. umad?


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    fail troll just failed. :gabe:

  7. You can do wrist curls, they help sometimes. Make sure your form is good and stay lighter until your musculature gets used to what you're doing (typically 2-4 weeks). If you have really weak wrists like I do you can use wrist wraps.


    I backed down to 120 which was comfortable so I'll just stick with that and start doing wrist curls and see what happens, going to switch it up to 3 days of weights and 3 days of cardio 2x a day

  8. I agree, too much volume. I wouldn't like it for equipped either.


    Josh, I'll look at yours in a little while.


    I agree, too much volume. I wouldn't like it for equipped either.


    Josh, I'll look at yours in a little while.


    I did 30 minutes of weights and 45 minutes of cardio this morning. I tried to see if I could hit the same numbers I did in high school, needless to say it didn't happen. 200 made it feel like my wrist was going to explode. Any suggestions for strengthening my wrists?

  9. i do want to ask this to people who lift: how many lifts are you doing in a typical workout? i get like 5-6 in, and i feel done. idk, just me. im thinking of trying to force myself to do more.


    5-6 sets or 5-6 reps?

  10. After 4 months, I would probably make a change to my program to keep things new. Do you have access to a pool? That can be very enjoyable for cardio and swimming is a great workout.


    I typically do my program splits every 10-12 weeks. There don't need to be drastic changes, but something to make things different both mentally and physically in some way.



    No access to a pool, can't swim anyway :fa:

  11. There's no real reason to cut anything after any specific time. There's also no real reason to cut out dressing. Most of that stuff is myth, unsubstantiated by modern dietary science. Eat smart (i.e., watching what and how much you eat) and avoid fancy diets. In my experience, this works better than going crazy and following the least enjoyable plan ever.


    I usually advise against 2-a-days just because they tend to be unnecessary. I would add in weight training three days a week, split between major muscle groups, and put cardio in at the end of the workout. Use the first section of training (~45 mins) to use up your testosterone and then move on to a lower intensity cardio program to finish.


    A lot of people forget how crucial good morale is to good training. If you hate what you're doing, it will show and you usually break your discipline much quicker. Try to enjoy your training and diet to maximize results. Make good compromises and set realistic goals.


    Like Steven said, you cannot target specific fatty areas. You will need to work on overall fitness (aerobic and anaerobic) to continue to attack the remaining fat. Progress is much slower as your body becomes accustomed to working out. How long have you been on your current program? It may be time to throw a change into your cardio program along with the additional weight training.


    got out of the loop for a while started back up and been on for 4 months now. Only "supplement" i take is the shake and that's for simplicity sake, easier to drink that shit while driving to work

  12. You cannot target fat loss, it is almost impossible. Your body is going to get rid of it as it see's fit. You cannot reccomend carb cycling to someone who is potentially carb sensitive or has cholesterol problems. I would like to know what your current diet is like and work out routine. Your diet is going to play a large role in your progress not necessarily your workouts. Also timing of nutrients is key at a certain point.


    post up your current nutrition and workout plan.

    Do not take clen.


    I tried the whole carb cycling bit before and I didn't get anywhere with it. Right now diet and workout is as follows.


    Diet I am eating 5 small meals a day, I quit counting calories but so far this is the only diet that has been easy to stick with and has been effective with my workouts.


    Pre workout/breakfast - egg white omelet with 5 egg whites, salt, pepper & a couple squirts of hot sauce with 2 slices of plain wheat toast glass of orange or tomato juice. Sometimes I'll mix this up with oatmeal/oats.


    Post workout - Optimum Nutrition "100% natual" oats whey protein shake or whole wheat bagel, cold carrots or glass of low fat chocolate milk. Get to work and then drink plain black coffee like a bauce.


    Lunch - grilled or ground turkey breast either plain or in a whole wheat wrap with low fat dressing, and vegetables and one of those snack pack 100 calorie deals.


    Mid day - low fat yogurt, can tuna plain, serving of fruit/vegetables.


    Dinner - salmon patties with lemon pepper or lemon chicken (grilled), spinach or other vegetable or fruit.


    Zero pop/soda and no gatorade. Straight up tap water cause im a G yo. :masturboy:


    Current workout is simple. Monday-Saturday, 6:30am-7:30am, cardio. I will generally do 30 minutes of jogging/running on the tred and another 30 minutes on the eliptical or bike. Haven't brought weight training into my workout yet.

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