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Posts posted by mrhobbz

  1. Ok thanks for the advise. For everyone killing me I had no tickets in 5 years until the last year. I was working out of town in Muskingham County. I think if you sneeze you get a ticket. I got three tickets in one month. I swear I wasnt speeding either. I made the mistake of not getting a lawyer thinking it would be like Columbus and got screwed. The prosecutor wouldnt even talk to me and I had to cross exam the cop myself etc. I caught him in some mistakes and they still found me guilty. So I just plead guilty to the other two because didnt have money for a lawyer.


    Unfortunately, this one is in Pickaway County so I am guessing the wheels of justice work the same there too. I am guessing they will just throw the book at me etc. What an average lawyer charge for traffic offenses? How much does the class cost?


    Idk, everytime a cop has pulled me over for speeding I was speeding..... Like the time I got pulled over twice in a month for 11 over by Grove City. Find your cruise control knob, it's usually on the steering column. :gabe:

  2. My father and I, while both slender, still have them. I got my BMI down to something absurd when I was 23 (like I weighed less then I did as a Junior in high school) however I still had them. My brother on the other hand never had them, and probably never will. When he puts on fat it gets equally distributed throughout his body...Bullshit. As I said, depends on the person.


    Yeah, genetics suck. I never had them in high school when I was at 190-210 but I was very active compared to now so hopefully I can get rid of em' :fuckyeah:

  3. Honestly it comes with time. I've dropped from 320 to 250 and while they're almost nothing compared to what they used to be they're still pretty noticable. I do alot of ab work in the gym and it's definitely paid off but like I said it just takes time.


    I should probably start working in more targeted weight training, I've been doing 6 days of cardio trying to get down to 190 so I can work on toning up

  4. I really don't know much about this stuff besides that its all practically brand new and works fine. The models are there so whatever you come up with google would be able to tell you more than I know.


    Sorry know that doesn't help much. Thanks


    Cool deal, I'll google up some info and see what I can find. Have to make sure it wouldn't catch on my radio bezel

  5. Bump from the dead... I will be in Columbus this weekend, Saturday to be exact most the day. Must meet on the West side, Hilliard or close. Or you are welcome to Meet me in or near Dayton anyother time if Saturday doesn't work. Prices are firm, still would consider trades for various firearms, ammo, etc. PM with what u have to offer.


    Subs: $150

    DVD Unit: $85

    CD Player: $70


    Any idea what the voltage on the preamp outs are and any idea how far the screen comes out on the dvd player?

  6. Why not, Meade knows his truck isn't half What it should be. Fine a recent termlab video...you wont because his truck doesn't hit the numbers it should. All he does is impress people who haven't heard a real setup.


    People are are loud.


    Steve Mick

    Mike Singer

    Hank veach



    Be steve meade have 4 $1000 subs with 10-15k+ power and hit a 155-56

    be josh have 4 cheap 18s only 4k power and hit 154




  7. Okay. You want CC on everything or just on Image Quality (IQ)? I have to keep it short if possible. I'll do so by touching on the upside of each. I can't say much technically with the exif attached but I will say think about DOF and how you want to make an image pop.


    Composition is everything. It's equiv. to blowing a launch at the track. The rest is just wasted gas. I know you're just playing around with snaps but composition comes first and that has to be said.


    Pic1. The boxer, focus on her/his eys. Especially on narrow DOF shots like this. The old saying is People Pay to See Faces and when doing so the eyes need to be in focus. That's the lesson with Pic 1.


    Pic 2. The second dog, Great pup, lots of loyalty and love likely there. Read what you want, but that's about all I've got with that one.


    Pic 3. You were onto something here in terms of positioning. Wheels turned correctly but no bling to show off there. You got low, which is good. That's all I have there too.


    Pic 4. You were experimenting with Angles. Keep it up.


    Pic 5. Again, good perspective and once again, you got low. Rule of thirds plays in a bit in terms of composition here and my eyes actually move along the car.


    Pic 6. Cricket


    Pic 7. Cricket, Cricket



    My points are all in good fun and not intended as a poke man, so please don't take them that way. I'm happy to help and could go on about them. Call, PM, post, text me any time. I do accept just fuck off and die comments too. :)




    Well then, fuck off and die ;) Thanks for the comments man, greatly appreciated. This is the other shot I took of the black lab/great dane.



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