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Everything posted by jschaf

  1. Who's going? I will be. Even if solo. All are welcome.
  2. I'll definitely be at Circle K at 8am Sunday. My friend from work may or may not.
  3. I've got another rider that will probably go as well. Just a suggestion but what do you think about meeting at Circle K (at the intersection of 82 & 83), at 8 AM Sunday, then to Coshocton on 83, Over to Woodsfield on 541, 78 etc, 255 both ways, 26 to Marietta, 555, home???
  4. Sunday the 22nd would be fine with me.
  5. Twisties? Approximate route?
  6. Best of thread award goes out to ya!
  7. Cheap-Molson Ice in the 24 ounce. $1.09 ea. Good- Anything from Bells, Indigo Imp Blond Bombshell, Great Lakes Elliot Ness, Goose Island 312, etc, etc, etc.
  8. What a coincidence. My brother & I are coming down from the Cleveland area & have already made plans to meet my nephew coming from Columbus at around 9:30 this morning at the same Bob Evans. We're headed down 555 as well, then down into West Virginia. Maybe we'll see you out there.
  9. WV Sat, Back Sun, 850 miles with my brother from Michigan & my nephew from Columbus.
  10. Yes, there are some interesting points so I'll probably go to another in 2011.
  11. I went to the QS&L bike night @ Sheffield tonight & it seems stranger every time I go, which is about once a year. Does anyone else here think that the bike night thing with the bling & huge chicken strips is a bit strange, or am I just out of it?
  12. F**K, I really wanted to go on this one but it looks like it's not in the cards. I twisted my back out of whack while working on my car on Sunday. It took about 20 minutes just to put on my socks Monday morning. It felt better Tuesday so I rode the bike to work & cut the grass when I got home. Bad idea. Went back to the 20 minute sock routine this morning so it's probably not a good idea for me to go on a 450 miler this weekend. Hopefully next time. Have fun & stay safe.
  13. I don't think rudeness is more prevalent on forums than in society in general. I just think that over the past few decades the incidence of Obnoxious Personality Disorder has grown exponentially.
  14. Welcome to the forum. Please nix the 250 idea. Your ability to keep up with & stay out of the way of traffic is essential. My wife spent her first year on a 650 suzuki savage then moved up to a little monster (Ducati 696). Best of luck.
  15. Work trip to UK is off. I'm on.
  16. I started out on a Honda 50 mini trail at 8 years old. Since that its been a 73 Yamaha 360 enduro, 86 Yamaha 700 fazer, (long hiatus), 03 Honda CBR600RR, & now the 08 Honda CBR1000RR. Next, who knows. I'm thinking Ducati but that could change.
  17. NEXT weekend. Calendar reset. If you're planning a ride this weekend start a thread please. Thanks.
  18. If I'm not there leave without me (of course). I may have to travel for work. I'll try my damndest to be there.
  19. Thanks for the update on this. I know we're all concerned about your wellbeing. Glad to hear you're walking & talking. If I see you at the AMA races I'll be sure to say hi. Godspeed.
  20. Great ride Tuesday. Better ride today. I was hoping for some advise like watch out for the rocks in turn 23 of route 555 going north or, never mind the road closed sign on 255 but I couldn't expect that from the likes of you. Stay positive boys.
  21. Yep. Better a hot ride than a not ride though.
  22. I'm off work all this week & plan on hitting the twisties on Tuesday & Thursday. The Tuesday ride will be with a friend who rides a 1979 CBX in the spirited fashion & the Thursday ride is pretty open. If anyone wants to go riding or has (recent) road condition info in the SE quadrant of OH let me know. Pace will probably be "The Pace" .We would be leaving from the North Ridgeville or Brookpark area but willing to stop along the way to meet up with interested parties. If you have to work these days, I recommend playing hookey.
  23. Welcome to the site. Hope you like it.
  24. Thanks. Count me in. Guess I'll bring the Honda afterall.
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