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Everything posted by ChickOn2

  1. ^^^^More diversionary tactics from someone who has everything to say, but only can only manage to squeeze off one viewpoint, and disrespect anyone who doesn't share yours It's not diversionary just because you don't like it, hunny bunny:p
  2. Unsigned negative rep?? OMG y'all suck soo bad!! LOL whatsamatter, you scurred? I'm not nearly as mean as I look hahahah
  3. whoops... forgot to answer that part, sorry everything you can think of. anything as harmless as a festival coverage to as important as election stories. I don't get to do it myself much anymore, but I have a staff of reporters who know how to "write to order." For example, sometimes we run the same story in different editions of the paper (nowadays... we run different editions based on the internet user's ZIP code or other demographics we can gather). The urban center of town will get something slightly different than the wealthy suburbs. Same facts, just rearranged to appeal to that demographic. Or sometimes we will withhold stories for one area of town, that we will provide full blown in another. It's bidniss as usual. It's not always executed perfectly, either. sometimes the wrong version will run in the wrong area and we will get pounded with negative feedback from readers/viewers. Ever notice how local TV news stories are really short? like 20-30 seconds per topic? it's because it's a general broadcast to all audiences. The less we say, the less chance we have of offending one segment or another.
  4. Punkin, a fundamental principle of public speaking is using cues, and yes, a teleprompter. It's standard procedure for important addresses to be be written and transcribed onto a teleprompter. That's just about everyone on TV, newscasters, sportscasters, and absolutely politicians. Most federal level politicians have speech writers on staff. Obama and Bush included. Addresses as a rule are prewritten, heavily edited by a giant staff of experts on whatever you can think of, then go through another layer of approvals before the POTUS even sees it. The lovable but laughable difference bw W and Obama is that without speechwriters, W can't speak his way out of a paper bag. Bless his little heart. And Barack Obama... well.. he is an attorney. He has had plenty of education and experience on public speaking and debate. which is why he holds his own with or without cues. I won't sit here and say that NO ONE voted for the president because of his color, because we both know that's bullshit. My dad (he has some REAL old skool ideas.. he grew up during a difficult time to be black) will be the first one to tell you why he voted for Obama. But hell, he also voted for Jesse Jackson. But in return, I don't want you to try to tell me that PLENTY of people voted against him because he black, too. deal?
  5. I agree, I don't mind a little back-and-forth. On the boards... and elsewhere;) Anyways.. since I'm a liberal, it goes with the territory to defend anyone's right to feel a dumb way about things, even if I disagree. this is Amurricah, after all:p (DON'T you dare flame me for that 'dumb way' comment! I'm KIDDING! You big babies... all sensitive n shyt :lol)
  6. I dunno, punkins. I guess I'm just Ray Charles blind to why it's unconstitutional for the POTUS to appoint people to appointable jobs as he sees fit. It was perfectly fine for W, who made plenty of appointments. He managed to make 2 appointments to federal courts back in... '03 or '04 I think, by bypassing the Senate altogther, even though the constitution says Senate approval is required for federal courts. And what about the appointments he slid in in January of 09? Mostly his friends and rich guys (and a NASCAR driver LOL) who made big donations? And of course he appointed Brownie as the Czar of FEMA... and I suppose you're going to say he did a GREAT job lolol
  7. I can't speak for everyone (HAH!) but I imagine he's qualified because he is a Harvard law graduate Magna Cum Laude (best possible level of acheivement), where he also served as President of the Harvard Law Review. He also has a degree in political science and international relations from Columbia University. How about 15-20 years experience in local, state and federal government, community organizing, helping the poor for little/no pay, including teaching people how to stand up for their own rights against powerful interests (like insurance companies and greedy corporations) Not just 'cuz his daddy was president. and not that his faintcy book learnin' will make no nevermind to y'all. print and broadcast, mostly. Both of which have splooged over into interactive media aka the Innanets
  8. OK, so you as a (I'm assuming) conservative taxpayer, think that corporations who received federal bailout funds (from BUSH) should not have to answer to anyone on the federal level? If so... knock yourself out, but I gotta disagree with you there, buddy. How is it unconstitutional to hold these guys responsible for running thier companies into the ground, and then giving themselves $multi-millions$ worth of bonuses out of federal money? Me no get that.
  9. +1 I've been working in the media for years... trust me.. anything and everything can be "edited" to be be read or viewed a certain way. I can take one set of facts and write them up in 2 different ways to appeal to 2 different audiences. I can, and have. Often.
  10. Ionno if it's so much fear of the black man, but it's for sure fear of change. And a black guy president is probably more change than the average person can handle.
  11. Been searching high and low for all these Constitutional tramplements (iMade up a word! hee hee hahah) that our President and the whole left has been accused of. Is he (or are we) curtailing freedom of speech..? religion...? the raht to BARE ARMS? ©Larry the Cable Guy Since when has a liberal worked to curtail anyone's right to do anything? That's on the average conservative's to-do list. Still spells F-E-A-R and excuses to me. Tacit, tacit, tacit. When will y'all just man up and say what the real problem is. I can *almost* respect that more. **cough not really cough**
  12. <sad face> at the tacit racism in this thread, and coming from the YT community overall.. "I ain't racist!! but.... I don't like "that guy". That guy? You mean... the President of United States? Why? And pulling kids out of school... really? wow. Are any of you are old enough to have kids in school when W did the SAME THING right after Labor Day in 2001? VCR tapes were issued to schools from the White House. Did I think he stole that election? yeppers. Did I think he is a 'C' student who can barely string together a coherent sentence? Oh yeah. Did the worst tragedy in American History, on American soil, happen on his watch? You betcha! © Sarah Palin Did I (or would I) pull my kids out of school and away from their education because they put his dopey face on TVs in classrooms? absolutely not. That would be DUMB. The difference is, I don't like him, but I don't FEAR him. I'm not (deep down inside) threatened by him. I'm not afraid of some ridiculous "revolution" of old, nerdy white guys. Dubya's presidency didn't represent, to me, any kind of loss of control that I have always taken for granted. Teachable moment: TACIT = "Unspoken, but understood." No.. you didn't SAY you were a racist (good for you). But uhm.. your actions, your opinions (aka your list of excuses), your activities, your circle of friends and associations... all paint a very different picture. That is all.
  13. Another quitter!! Can at least one brave soul try to make it to the end? And tell me what is growing on his thighs? and also explain the fancy lighting effects?
  14. Quitter!! where is you endurance?
  15. extra points and big prizes!! If you can watch this for a whole 4 minutes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHKBqOLdqC4
  16. in the first one, was the bike embedded into the tree...? The moral of both stories is... good damn sense is located inside of a motorcycle helmet.
  17. I might have had to just take the jail time! nasty!
  18. Let me know if this is going to be another DJ Isle thread, so I can grab a chair and my
  19. I'll give you a free laugh pass. THIS time...
  20. I tried to submit a picture, but it came back as undeliverable I tried to send in this family of mullets I saw in our WalMeezy the other day
  21. too bad for the poor kids who wont be getting Perfect Attendance this year, because their parents are keeping them out of school for something this petty. W did the same thing when he first got elected. I remember, because my daughter was in second grade. The only difference was it was on a VCR tape, and not a live feed. She had to color a paper with the American flag and a picture of the president on it. People need to calm the fuck down. It's just something presidents do.
  22. Pretty much. You don't pay people's PayPal fees, just like you don't pay their bank fees, or credit card fees.
  23. I'm glad you're OK, Bunny Britches!!! But once again, I'm embarrassed by my fellow woman drivers. Dangit.
  24. Bless his little heart! Then whoop his little butt!!
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