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Everything posted by RSVDon

  1. I'm heading to sportbiketrackgear.com's showroom this week. This should hopefully be good.
  2. Here ya go! http://gawker.com/5273616/bruno-gets-up-close-and-personal-with-eminem
  3. RSVDon

    2 questions

    I wear a pair of work boots right now. The Sidi Vertigos come in in a couple of days, I'll report the differences in another thread work boots vs. riding boots.
  4. RSVDon

    2 questions

    I'd like to think of them as a good in between. Leather work boots are fairly close in general construction and as long as they are laced up then you shouldn't have a problem with the most important part which is them getting blown off your foot like tennis shoes.
  5. RSVDon

    2 questions

    Well its good you learned that lesson at a very slow speed. Some don't learn it until its too late.
  6. Nope, definitely a post whore. You've been here a month less than me and have double the posts.
  7. Whoa buddy! You better watch your wording there.
  8. FAIL!!!! Hehehe, this smiley is awsome.
  9. Negative. He's not allowed to have an Aprilia. He's too much rice and not enough -roni.
  10. Holy fuck! Those flow numbers and downright damn ridiculous.
  11. That's why you don't eff with Aprilias. j/k I suck as a rider, and I'm definitely still learning. Luckily nothing serious yet except droppign old bike in front yard on wet grass.
  12. Spoken like a true nutswinging, Suzuki squid...
  13. I haven't owned it all 30k (no way I could have bought this new at $15k), but from what I've gathered its just been the basics. Tires, oil, chains, coolant flush, plugs, fork seals, etc. The valves were checked at 27k and all were within spec and hadn't been touched. The cam chain tensioners are just starting to get loud so i'm looking for options to replace them here in the near future. From everything I've read these Rotax lumps are almost bulletproof. The previous owner replaced the clutch but not because the old one was slipping, he wanted to put softer springs in it and went with a Barnett clutch while at it. I still have the stock clutch and it still looks good.
  14. Yep, she's 30 now. I made sure she went from 0 - the top of 4th gear right after this pic.
  15. RSVDon

    2 questions

    As for the one hand on the grip thing, I do that all the time whenever I need to lean up a bit. It takes pressure off of my lower back for a bit, the Ape isn't exactly the most comfortable after about 1.5 hours.
  16. RSVDon

    2 questions

    Pics? But yes, you're correct. Hitting gravel, bugs, flying things in general sucks big time without a jacket.
  17. RSVDon

    2 questions

    My daily riding gear has been helmet, jacket, and gloves from day one.
  18. Welcome fellow Aprilia owner! Jbot, you, and myself are the only ones here. There's the QS&L Tuesday bike nights but I don't know if anyone goes there. There's about 6 people from Apriliaforum that head out there I think. Let's see some pics of the Falco!
  19. My roommate needs one for his RC51. I already sent you a message. We're in Michigan so dropping by won't be possible. He's got a PayPal, just let me know when they are ready. Any RC51 owners in Ohio willing to help us out would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
  20. Jeez, that's one helluva ride to get to twisty roads.
  21. Says the guy who wanted to paint the rising sun on the side of his R6.
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