The bike is a lot easier to balance when it's moving at speed. Slow speeds are the hardest. This is how the start of the BRC is set up, you could try going through this: -Start with familiarization with controls. -Starting/stopping the engine -Selecting a gear and finding neutral -Get a feel for the clutch. Do this by selecting 1st and slowly letting the clutch out just until the bike starts to move then pull back in. Keep playing with that friction point. Keep both feet on the ground when doing this and NO throttle. -Once you've got a feel for the clutch, try slowly walking the bike with just the clutch in a straight line. Use the clutch to get the bike moving and walk your feet with it to keep balance -Next is using the clutch and a little throttle to actually start going. You can start by "walking" as descibed above but give the bike some gas to get going and actually put your feet on the pegs. Do this in straight lines and turn the bike around instead of riding around. -Once comfortable with clutch, starting, and braking you can move on to something like an oval in a parking lot. Go straight, turn corners, go straight. You get the point. In the turn, if she feels like the bike is going to do that scary "drop in", give it just a little gas and it will stop doing that. -To practice balance, get the bike going in a straight line at a slow speed. Then you are going to work the clutch, throttle, and rear brake to try to go as slow as possible in a straight line. This usually involves playing with the "slip point" on the clutch and holding the rear brakes steady. See how slow you can get the bike. If you feel you are going to fall over, let up on the rear brake a bit to gain speed. That's some of the basics I remember from the BRC. Someone correct me on anything or feel free to add if you want, it's been a while.